Page 71 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Leesha. Please. We need to chat about this."

Leesha took the proffered tissue and dabbed at her eyes and nose. Her lips still quivered, and Rafe took a deep breath.

"So, apparently some things have been going on that I'm not aware of. Please tell me."

Leesha swallowed a few times. She inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Brett and I were dating. He wanted to keep it quiet. I was happy to comply. I don't think..."

Tears spilled again. Rafe waited patiently.

Leesha took a deep breath again. "I don't think he liked me as a girlfriend. I think he may have been using me for access to you."

"That's why you let him drop the Distible documents in my office rather than you bringing them in?"

"Yes." She dabbed her eyes. "After you asked about it I thought it was a weird question. Then, all the weird things happening. You leaving town. I heard your house was broken into. And now Brett is in jail. It hit me that some, if not all, of this has to be related."

Rafe pinched his lips together. "He installed a tracker on my phone while he was in here."

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I promise you I had no idea. I'm so sorry Mr. Martin."

He held his hands up. "Leesha, it's alright. You're not the first person to be taken advantage of. I've always felt I could trust you. I need to know right here and now that I can. My life depends on it."

Her eyes rounded as she looked at him. "You can trust me. I'm so sorry this happened."

He swallowed. "Right now, Leesha. I need you to wait in your office for the majority leader. It's a secret meeting and no one, and I mean, no one, can know we're meeting. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."


She stood. "I'm so sorry Mr. Martin."

He held his hand up again. "Leesha, please. You're about to prove to me how reliable you are."


She left his office and he logged into his computer, then the secret server he and Casper used. As he waited, every time Addy crossed his mind, which was nearly always, he pushed it away. He needed to do this. He needed to get this done.

His phone buzzed. "Mr. Martin, the majority leader, Mr. Andrews, is here."

"Send him in please."

Rafe stood to greet Andrews, his guts tightened, and his palms were sweaty. Everything rode on this.

The door opened and Mr. Andrews entered the room. He was tall, with sandy colored hair, and deep blue eyes. Rafe knew he was in his late forties, had been a rising star in the political arena for a couple of years now, and had always been nice to chat with.

Walking around his desk, Rafe held his hand out. "Robert, it's nice to see you and thank you for coming on short notice."

"It's nice to see you, Rafe. I understand Wade has been out for a bit now."

"Yes. It's what I'd like to talk to you about."

He held his hand out to Andrews to take a seat, then walked around his desk and sat. He folded his hands on his desk. Mostly to keep them from shaking. "Robert, what I'm about to share with you is incredible. And it will set precedent and change this country forever. I'm sorry to have to lay this at your feet, but since you are the majority leader and will be in this upcoming term as well, you're the only person to handle this."

Robert shifted in his chair and took a deep breath. "Okay."

Rafe took a deep breath. "I have proof in the form of documents and witnesses, that our newly elected president has been dealing oil for arms with Yerezdan. And, during those dealings, the chief of staff for the prime minister of Yerezdan found out about the deals and threatened to expose them. President-elect King sent a group over to have a chat with the chief of staff, Mr. Bertrum Malachi, and during that chat, Mr. Malachi was murdered. Further, the cabinet the president-elect is putting in place all have ties to Yerezdan."

Robert sat back in his seat and stared at Rafe. His mouth dropped open slightly as he processed the information. He finally closed his eyes briefly, shook his head and opened them again. He stared into Rafe's eyes. "What proof do you have?"
