Page 70 of Guarding Adelaide

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Tate shook his head. "Casper asked us to come on this job. We're on it until Casper tells us we're off the case."

Addy sipped her coffee. "Are we cleaning out the cabin today?"

Tate nodded. "Yes. Addy, you and Maya can go out there and pack up our equipment. Then, I'll turn it over to the owner."

"Sounds good." She glanced at Maya. "Are you ready or do you need a few minutes?"

"I'm ready now. Let me go get my shoes on."

"Take a few minutes. I should check the senator's bandages."

Maya left the room and Addy went to the closet and retrieved her medical kit. She set it on the table near the senator. "Please remove your shirt, Senator."

He unbuttoned his shirt as the back door opened.

"Hi, everyone." Shianne bellowed as she entered the room. She carried bags of something and set them at the table.

"Hi, Addy. Tate." She moved to the end of the table to the senator. "You must be the man in need of new clothing. I’m Shianne, Lara's best friend. She called me this morning to do some shopping for you. I have a few things that I hope you'll like."

The senator's eyes rounded, and Addy giggled. "You can't keep wearing these dirty old clothes." She turned to Shianne. "It's nice to see you. Thank you for getting on this for us."

Shianne smiled brightly. "I love shopping. So, this made my day."

Addy grinned. "I'm about to change his bandages. Why don't you lay out the clothing and the senator can look at them afterwards. It won't take long."

"That sounds great."

Addy helped the senator remove his shirt. "I may as well toss this one." She mumbled.

The senator nodded his head and she folded the shirt and laid it on the table to set the discarded bandages on. She made quick work of removing the old bandages. Checked his wound and noted that the infection seemed to be healing. It was likely the tracker implant had caused the problem. She admired her stitches, added anti-bacterial gel and rebandaged him. Discarding the soiled bandages and shirt, Shianne took over. There would be no stopping her now. Addy grinned at Tate, who sat there looking pained to have to listen to Shianne over-explaining the quality of each piece of clothing, she left the kitchen to wash her hands and wait for Maya.

As Maya left her bedroom and moved toward her she stopped dead. She mouthed, "Is that Shianne?"

Addy nodded and Maya closed her eyes. They all liked Shianne. She was a wonderful person. But, when you got her talking about clothing, she would go on and on and on.

Maya grabbed Addy's arm and swiftly pulled her to the kitchen and to the garage door.

"See you later. We're off to work." Maya quipped.

They slipped out the door before Shianne finished describing the tweed in this year’s new slacks.


Rafe entered the secret entrance and slipped quietly into the outer office of his office. Leesha startled as he appeared. "Oh, Mr. Martin. I..."

"Leesha. In my office please."

He continued on to his office, set his computer case on the desk and the instant Leesha appeared he said, "Close the door please."

She did as he asked. He noticed the large swallow she made before moving toward his desk.

"Please sit."

She sat on the edge of the chair, her spine was stiff, her hands in her lap.

"Leesha. I need to know everything you know about Brett Selisen."

Leesha burst out in tears, her face in her hands. Rafe's brows furrowed and he pulled a tissue from the box on the corner of his desk and handed it across the desk to her.
