Page 76 of Guarding Adelaide

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She giggled. "You know you can call us by our first names."

Helissa smiled and stirred something in the frying pan.

"What about the senator?"

"I haven't seen him this morning."

"Thank you. I'll go check on him."

She went to the closet and picked up her medical kit, then headed across the living room toward the bedroom the senator was using. She knocked on the door and listened but didn't hear anything.


She knocked again then twisted the knob. She peered inside and his bed was unmade and empty. She took a walk around the building to the other bedrooms but didn't see the senator anywhere.

Poking her head in Tate's office, she found that empty as well. Taking a deep breath she padded across the floor to Maya's room. She knocked a couple of times and heard Maya say, "Come in."

Opening the door she saw her cousin, pulling her hair up into a ponytail at the top of her head.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Where is everyone? Helissa said Tate, Myles, and Spencer had eaten. I went to check on the senator and he's gone. Tate's not in his office. It seems like it's just you and me."

"Hmm. I don't know. Let's get a cup of coffee and go in search of them."

Maya strutted across the floor, Addy followed her not feeling nearly as peppy. Maybe she should have had her coffee first before going on this scavenger hunt.

They entered the kitchen and Helissa had a cup of coffee sitting out for Maya, and hers had been topped off. It was easy to get spoiled here.

Maya smiled. "Thank you, Helissa. You're the best person in this house."

"Hey, ouch." Addy tapped Maya's shoulder.

Helissa laughed and Maya put her arm around Addy's shoulders. "Let's go outside and see how many vehicles are in the garage."

They stepped into the garage, Tate's vehicle was there, Myles' was gone, Spencer's was there. Lara's SUV was gone. Kenna's car was gone. Three of the garage doors were open.

They walked out to the backyard and saw Tate carrying Barrett in a blanket. He stopped at the trees and showed the little guy leaves and branches.

Spencer came out of the shooting range and moved toward them. "What are you two doing?"

Maya turned to look at Spencer. "Looking at Tate and Barrett. Can you believe he has a baby?"

Spencer chuckled. "Yeah. It's something."

Maya sipped her coffee. Addy did the same. Spencer's stomach growled. "I'm hungry. I'll see you at the breakfast table."

“You just ate.”

“Not enough.”

Maya nodded. "I'm hungry too. Come on Addy, let's eat and see what we're going to do today."

Addy shook her head. "Where's the senator?"

Spencer stopped walking into the house. "Isn't he in his room?"

"No. I went in to change his bandages and he wasn't there."
