Page 77 of Guarding Adelaide

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Spencer glanced around the backyard and didn't see the senator anywhere. Maya shook her head.

Addy began feeling alarmed. She hustled back into the kitchen. "Helissa, did you see the senator at all this morning?"

"No, Ms. Addy."

Spencer stalked across the living room to the senator's room. He came back out a few moments later. "His clothes are all still here."

Tate and Barrett entered the kitchen, Tate cooing at Barrett. He froze when he saw them all staring. "What's going on?"

Addy shook her head. "The senator is gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

"Gone as in he isn't here in the HOG."

"Did you look in the gun range and workout room?"

Spencer replied, "I just came from the gun range and he isn't in there. I highly doubt he's in the workout room."

Addy hustled to the door. "I'll go look though, just in case."

She hurried to the workout room, swung open the door and the lights flickered on. No one was in the room. Her stomach rolled. There was absolutely no way anyone had come into their home and taken him. One of them would have heard something. Breeching the gate would have set off all kinds of alarms. She hurried back to the house. "He's not out there."

Tate hurried to his office, Barrett in tow. Addy tried to think of anywhere the senator could be. On a whim, she went back out to the garage and looked in each vehicle parked in there. She'd checked her vehicle, Maya's Jeep, Spencer's truck, Tate's truck, and even Helissa's vehicle in the driveway.

Her stomach began to sour. They were responsible. It never occurred to any of them that he could be taken from here. She turned to go back inside when tires crunched on the gravel near the road. The hum of the gates sliding open reached her ears and she waited to see if the senator had gone with Myles somewhere. That could absolutely have happened.

The vehicle that turned toward the back of the HOG wasn't Myles' truck though. She blinked a few times in case she was seeing an illusion. The vehicle stopped behind her car. She stood straight, her stomach knotted tightly.

The driver's door opened and Rafe exited his SUV. He looked tired. He had a couple days growth of beard, which looked amazing on him. He strode toward her slowly. His steps were deliberate. His eyes never looked from hers.

He stopped just a few inches from her. She stared into his eyes. He looked tired. The darkness under them a telltale sign he'd been up all night. Then it dawned on her. "Did you drive all night to get here?"


"Rafe. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Rafe." A sob broke from her throat and she stepped toward him. He held his hand out to stop her.

"Addy." He took a deep breath. "I told you I'd come back and be someone who you deserved and I'd be worthy enough to deserve you. I've done what I could do. The rest will take some time to show whether what I did worked or not. But, what I do know is this. I love you, Adelaide Masters. I want to be with you all of my days."

He knelt down on one knee. "Adelaide Masters, you've enamored me from the moment I met you. You've made me realize I don't want to be alone the rest of my life. I want to spend my days making you proud and happy. Will you marry me?"

She swallowed, another sob broke from her throat and she was afraid to move. Her knees shook, her whole body was shaking. "Rafe." She swallowed the lump in her throat and let the tears fall. "Yes. I am proud of you. I am so in love with you it hurts. So, yes, I'll marry you."

He stood and scooped her up in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried into the crook of his neck. He squeezed her tightly to his body. After a few moments he let her slide down his body. He reached into his pocket and pulled a small velvet box from inside. "I stopped this morning at a jewelry store in Brookside. If this isn't what you'd like, we'll find one together. But, I thought this fit you perfectly."

He opened the box and the ring inside was a stunner. Beautiful, sparkling and, he was right, it was perfect. A diamond band, graced with a large square cut diamond on top. She'd wear it proudly forever.

There’s more to the story with Rafe and Adelaide. If you enjoy reading epilogues and want to find out what else is in store for them,click hereto complete their story.

But, if you’d rather read about Maya meeting Jasiah Weston, a member of the BRR, though they no longer call themselves that. And, where on earth Senator Jackson went. And, is Wade still Casper? These questions are answered in Shielding Maya.
