Page 28 of Brought to Light

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His eyes darkened, arms tightening around me. “Tell me this is real. That you want this—want me—as much as I want you.”

In answer, I pulled his mouth back to mine, pouring every ounce of desire and affection into the connection of our lips.

This was uncharted territory, but with Sawyer’s strong arms anchoring me close, I knew we would navigate it together.



I dialed Theo’s number,my fingers trembling. The phone only rang once before his gruff voice answered.

“Sawyer? Everything okay?”

“No, it’s not,” I said. “Someone vandalized Doc’s clinic and her car. Busted out the windows. Can you get over here?”

“Damn it,” Theo growled. “I’m on my way.”

I hung up and turned to Hannah. She looked small and scared, her arms wrapped around herself. I stepped forward and pulled her back into my arms.

“My car?”

“It’s gonna be alright,” I murmured into her hair. “That can be fixed. You’re safe and that’s what matters.”

She nodded against my chest. I could feel her heartbeat fluttering like a frightened bird.

She lifted her face to look at me, eyes shining with unshed tears.

“Thank you, Sawyer.” Her voice was a whisper. “I feel like I’ve been leaning on you too much. You’ve come to my rescue more times than I can count. And I know that makes me seem weak. But I don’t know what I’d do without you right now.”

My chest tightened. I cared about this woman more than I’d ever expected. More than I cared about anyone. I brushed a strand of blonde hair from her cheek and tipped her chin up.

“You’re strong as hell, and don’t let anyone ever make you think you’re not.”

She looked unsure, so I pressed. “You got it?”

“Yeah.” She nodded.

“And as for the other thing, you have me, Hannah. You have all of me. You don’t ever have to find out what you’d do without me,” I said, feeling the truth of my words in my bones.

Theo’s police cruiser pulled into the clinic parking lot, lights flashing. He stepped out, the glare from the strobes casting his skin in alternating shades of red and blue. His gaze swept over the damage, lips pressed in a grim line.

“Walk me through what happened,” he said.

Hannah’s voice trembled as she described hearing the noise and checking the cameras, only to find the back one not working. No surprise there, as it was currently smashed on the ground. I put a steadying hand on her back.

Theo scribbled notes in a small pad, brow furrowed.

“When Hannah called me, I came right over, but whoever did this was gone by the time I got here. I found her car windows smashed and the back door had been jimmied. It was still locked, though, so I guess the sound of my bike scared ‘em off before they could get in.”

I pulled her closer to me at the thought of what could have happened if I had gotten here even a minute too late.

“You have any ideas who could be behind this?” he asked.

“Could be her ex,” I said without hesitation.

“Any reason in particular to suspect that?”

I eyed Theo, my brows knitting together. I knew for a fact he would have heard about the scene at the Witch’s Brew. But Theo played by the book, always.
