Page 27 of Brought to Light

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I strained to listen for any sign of danger, panic rising in my chest. Was someone trying to break in? There it was again, a scraping, shuffling sound coming from the back door. Adrenaline flooded my veins as I swiped out of that app and tapped the call button on Sawyer’s contact card with trembling hands.

“Hey, Doc.” Any other time I would have appreciated how hot his smooth voice was. Right now, I needed him.

“Sawyer, I think someone’s trying to break in. The security camera’s down and I heard something outside at the back door. Please, can you come over?” My voice shook despite my effort to remain calm.

“I’m really freaked out,” I whispered, staring at the locked doorknob of my office, willing it to stay still.

“Hey, take a deep breath,” he soothed. “I’m leaving the bar now and I’ll be there in three minutes. Lock the door and wait inside, okay?”

“Okay,” I replied shakily.

“It’s gonna be alright. I won’t let anything happen to you,” Sawyer said firmly.

I could hear his motorcycle engine revving to life in the background as he spoke. “Please hurry,” I pleaded.

“I’m on my way.”

I hung up and did as he instructed, breathing deeply as I sank down onto the floor. My heart was racing as I strained to hear any other strange sounds over its thunderous beating.

Come on Sawyer, I thought, wringing my hands. I needed to feel his strong, steady presence beside me.

True to his word, a minute later I heard the rumble of his engine slicing through the still night air. Relief flooded through me and I released a long, shuddering breath.

I hurried to the front door as the roar of his motorcycle grew louder, but he didn’t stop. I watched as he turned the bike around the corner, heading to the back parking lot to confront whoever had been trying to break in. Shit.

I ran to the back, my ears straining to hear any sound of a scuffle or confrontation. It was silent. A moment later, Sawyer’s voice rang out.

“Han? They’re gone. It’s just me. Open up.”

My hands fumbled to unlock the deadbolt before I flung open the door.

Sawyer was already striding up the steps, his leather jacket and dark jeans a contrast to his wind-tousled hair. His eyes met mine and I saw stark concern etched on his handsome face.

“Hannah,” he said breathlessly as he reached me. Before I could respond, his hands were cupping my face and his lips were on mine in a searing, passionate kiss.

I melted against him, my knees nearly buckling from the onslaught of desire his touch ignited within me. His short beard grazed my skin as his mouth moved urgently over mine, conveying a need that matched my own.

My fingers twisted in his hair, pulling him closer until no space remained between us. The world fell away; there was only Sawyer and the electricity sparking through every nerve. I had never wanted someone so intensely.

When we finally broke for air, panting and dizzy, Sawyer rested his forehead against mine. His eyes smoldered with unspoken emotions.

“I was so scared for you,” he admitted softly. “The thought of you being in danger...”

He didn’t finish the sentence, but I knew. I felt the same way about him. Something significant had shifted between us and there was no pretending anymore.

My heart pounded against my ribs as I processed Sawyer’s confession. Just hours ago, I’d been convinced he was too scared, or not interested enough to act on our connection. But now, after that earth-shattering kiss, everything had changed.

I searched his eyes, seeing a vulnerability that caught me off guard. Behind his usual bravado, he was scared—scared of losing me. The realization sent a cascade of warmth through my veins.

“Sawyer,” I whispered, lifting a hand to his bearded cheek. He leaned into my touch, his eyelids fluttering closed. I didn’t know what to say.

He huffed out a quiet laugh. “Doc, I’ve been crazy about you since the day you moved in next door. I just never thought I stood a chance with someone like you.”

“Someone like me?” Confusion colored my voice.

“Beautiful. Smart. Way outta my league.” He gave me a lopsided smile that made my knees weak all over again.

I shook my head, threading my fingers through his dark hair. “I’m just Hannah. And make me feel things I’ve never felt before.”
