Page 33 of Brought to Light

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"Good," he said, his expression softening. "Now, finish your bread before it gets cold, and tell me more about that vet assistant."

A chuckle slipped from me, the tension breaking like the dawn after a long night, and I dived back into the comfort of our conversation, grateful for the shelter of Bobby's sage advice in a world that felt increasingly unsteady.



The first sensationthat hit me upon waking was the warmth of her body curved into mine, like she was a missing puzzle piece I hadn’t known I’d lost. Hannah’s soft breaths brushed against my chest, rhythmic and soothing as the distant sound of the ocean waves through the open window. The early morning light filtered in, casting a golden halo around her blonde hair fanned across my pillow.

“Morning,” I mumbled, my voice gravelly with sleep, fingers tracing idle patterns on her bare back.

Hannah stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal those bright green eyes that always seemed to see right through me. “Hey,” she whispered, a sleepy smile tugging at her lips. She stretched like a cat, a content smile curving her lips. “Last night was...”

“Perfect,” I filled in, my thumb tracing the curve of her jaw. She nodded, her eyes finally fluttering open to reveal those bright green irises that always seemed to see right through me.

“You’re up early.”

“Couldn’t help it,” I admitted, tightening my hold on her slightly. “Been thinkin’.”

“About...?” She propped herself up on one elbow, looking at me with a curiosity that made my heart kick up a notch.

“Us,” I said simply. “What we’re doing here.”

“Here, in this bed?” Her playful tone couldn’t mask the hint of vulnerability that crept into her gaze.

“Here, in this town—this life we’re carving out together.” I watched her closely, taking in every detail, from the slight crinkle in her brow to the way she bit her lip when she was thinking hard.

“Ah.” She nodded slowly, laying her head back down on my chest. “I’ve been thinking about that too. About what I want, you know? What drives me.”

“Tell me,” I urged her, genuinely wanting to understand every layer of Hannah Wilson.

“Helping those animals at the clinic, giving them a second chance—it’s more than just a job. It’s part of who I am.” Her voice held a passion that resonated deep within me. “But it’s not all I am, either. I dream about...more. A family, maybe. A partner who gets me. Someone who doesn’t run when things get messy.”

“Sounds like a solid dream to me,” I said, feeling an unfamiliar tightness in my chest. “You deserve all of that, Hannah. And more.”

Her fingers traced the ink on my arm, following the lines and curves of my sleeve tattoo, a silent language only she seemed fluent in. “What about you, Sawyer? What are your fears?”

“Fears?” I scoffed lightly, but her steady gaze told me she wanted the truth. “I guess... I fear not being enough. For you, for anyone. Always been the guy with the easy smile and the quick pour, but what if that’s all there is?”

“Sawyer Banks, you are so much more than that.” Her voice was firm, insistent. “You’re kind, you’re fiercely loyal. You have this way of making people feel seen, understood. That’s rare. And it’s everything.”

“Everything, huh?” I teased, but the weight of her words hung between us, heavy and humbling.

“Everything,” she confirmed, leaning in to press a soft kiss to my lips.

"I guess one of my bigger fears is not going after what I want. Being stuck because I'm too scared to make a change."

"What sort of change?"

"This will sound stupid."

"Nothing you ever tell me that matters to you will sound stupid," she said, kissing my shoulder. Her affection buoyed me.

"Well, after my mom died, I didn't really have a choice but to get work fast. I ended up bussing tables downtown. Worked my way to barback, and then bartender. The money got better and I got sort of...stuck. When I was a teen, I'd always thought I'd learn programming. It never happened, but a couple years ago I saw a thing about a coding degree. Classes were online. So I signed up for it and I've been chipping away at it ever since. I haven't told anyone else."

She smiled, her eyes filled with genuine excitement. "That's amazing! I'm so proud of you for taking that step. It's never too late to pursue your dreams, you know?"

I nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation swirling in my chest. "Yeah, I know. But sometimes it feels like I'm trying to take a leap into the unknown. It's terrifying."
