Page 60 of Brought to Light

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"Three more minutes on those spinach puffs," I called out over my shoulder, trying not to trip over the rug as I moved across the room. Sawyer glanced up from his book, a twinkle in his eye.

"Careful there, butterfingers," he teased, his voice smooth as the bourbon he often poured at work. "Wouldn't want you to add floor seasoning to the menu."

"Ha-ha," I replied, rolling my eyes but grinning despite myself. "Just for that, you're on fruit skewer duty."

"Deal," he said, hopping off his stool with the grace of a cat. He grabbed the knife and started slicing melons with an ease that made everything look like a dance. I leaned against the counter, watching him for a moment, the way his tattooed arm flexed with each cut, his concentration so sexy it was almost criminal.

"Looking good, Chef Banks," I said, winking at him.

"Only trying to keep up with you," he shot back, rewarding me with one of those heart-stopping smiles.

"Mocktails are gonna be a hit," he declared, sliding the sliced fruits onto skewers. "Got a 'Mama-tini' for Alex and a 'Pop-and-Lock' for Sam. They'll love it."

"Love the names." I chuckled, shaking my head. "You're ridiculous."

He flashed a cocky grin. "Ridiculously talented, you mean."

I stuck my tongue out at him just as the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of our guests. We shared a quick look, excitement mingling with a dash of nerves. This was our first big shindig since moving in together, and we both wanted it to be perfect.

"Showtime," I said, brushing my hands on my apron before slipping it off and heading to answer the door.

"Let's do this," he agreed, giving the fruit skewers one last inspection.

As we greeted our guests, the ocean breeze slipped through the open windows, bringing with it the promise of a day filled with laughter, love, and a reminder of why we chose Moon Harbor as our forever home.

The cottage was buzzing with the kind of warm energy that only a gathering of close friends could generate. Alex, her belly round with the promise of new life, was laughing at something Sam had whispered in her ear. Their hands were entwined, his thumb tracing circles over her skin in a way that was so tender it made my heart swell.

"Look at you two, so disgustingly cute I might throw up," I teased, but my voice held nothing but affection.

"Wait till it's your turn," Alex shot back, grinning. "I'll remember that comment."

"Touché," I conceded, raising my hands in mock surrender.

Sara and Theo were next to them, engaged in some sort of animated debate about baby names. Sara's eyes sparkled with mirth while Theo pretended to be exasperated.

"Seriously, 'Starlord' is hands-down the best name for a child," Theo was saying, but the laughter in his voice betrayed him.

"This is why we will only ever be Auntie and Uncle." Sara countered, poking Theo playfully in the ribs.

"Careful, Sara," I chimed in, "Theo might just start agreeing with you to avoid more rib attacks."

"Smart man," she replied with a wink.

Rafael and Ellie seemed to be in their own little world, shoulders brushing as they flipped through one of the baby books someone had brought. Ellie's laughter was like music, light and carefree, and Rafael watched her with a look that spoke volumes of his adoration.

"Find any good tips?" Sawyer asked, sliding beside them with a tray of his famed mocktails.

"Loads," Ellie said. "But I'm thinking Raf here will be the expert swaddler."

"Prepared to be amazed," Rafael quipped with an easy smile.

"Speaking of amazing, try this," Sawyer offered, handing them each a glass.

"Thanks, man," Rafael said, taking a sip. "How can we hire you to create a custom drink menu for our wedding?"

"You don't have to hire me for that. I'm there," Sawyer replied, his eyes catching mine across the room for a moment, sending a ripple of warmth through me.

I walked over to check on Landry and Saint, who were cozied up by the fireplace, their heads bent together as they shared private jokes. Landry's infectious laugh filled the room every now and then, reminding me how lucky we were to have her as both a friend and Sawyer's boss.
