Page 61 of Brought to Light

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"Hope you're not giving Saint too hard of a time," I said, joining their bubble.

"Me? Never!" Landry exclaimed, all wide-eyed innocence before breaking into another fit of giggles.

"She knows she can get away with anything," Saint admitted.

"As it should be," I said with a smirk.

"Sawyer looks to be saying the same thing about you, Hannah. I've never seen him so happy."

"Well he makes me happy too."

"I was sad he handed in his resignation, but he told me about the job offer. I'm really proud of him." She said with a genuine smile.

"I am too."

"Yeah, but it's really for the best, because I got to take over," Lucy said, sidling up to join our conversation. Her smile was full of mirth.

Dane's hand rested on the small of her back, a gesture so natural and yet so full of meaning.

Being welcomed into this town, into this group of friends so full of love was the best thing that could have happened to me.

As the party continued, Bobby Hennessy shuffled in, his sea-weathered face breaking into a grin as he was immediately handed a drink by Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. McClintock followed, both insisting on helping with anything despite our protests.

"Can't let you youngsters do all the work," Mr. McClintock said, his voice gruff but kind.

"You sure can," I said with a laugh.

"Let's get everyone to the bonfire," Sawyer announced later, as the sun began its descent. "Best part of the evening's about to start."

Gathering everyone outside was like herding cats, but eventually, we made it to the cliff. The bonfire roared to life, casting a golden glow on all our faces. The ocean stretched out before us, endless and calming. Music played softly from someone's phone, a background soundtrack to the sound of waves crashing below.

"Time to dance, beautiful," Sawyer whispered to me, taking my hand and pulling me toward the flickering flames.

"Thought you'd never ask," I replied, the rest of the world fading away as we moved together.

"Feel that?" he murmured against my ear. "That's happiness."

"Sure feels like it," I agreed, my laughter mingling with his as we spun around.

Our friends joined in, the night alive with the sound of footfalls on the soft earth, the crackling of the fire, and the shared joy of being together. There was something magical about this place, about these moments. It was like Moon Harbor itself was wrapping us in its embrace, whispering secrets of love and life through the salty breeze.

"Could stay like this forever," Sawyer said, his arms tightening around me.

"Forever sounds perfect," I whispered back, believing every word.



"Good morning,Mrs. Henderson. How's Kiki feeling today?" I greeted one of my regulars with a smile as she hobbled into the clinic with her Yorkie in her purse.

"Better since you've been fussing over her, dear," she replied, returning the smile. "But don't you worry about us. Tell me, how's that tall drink of water you’re sweet on?"

"Still tall, still sweet," I laughed, guiding her straight to the exam room.

The clinic was bustling with activity, the air filled with chitchat and laughter. It was just another day in Moon Harbor, but it felt special nonetheless. I moved from patient to patient, dispensing veterinary advice and the occasional bit of gossip.

"Heard Sawyer was talking 'bout settling down and having babies with you. Got any news to share?" she teased, nudging me playfully.
