Page 50 of His Perfect Gift

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“Yeah. We’ve got this.”

Twelve hours later, Lucia Victoria Thomas finally decided to make her presence known. I grinned widely as I sat on the edge of the hospital bed, watching as Amber held our child in her arms. “She’s beautiful,” Amber breathed out, grazing Lucia’s cheek with the back of her finger.

“Yes. She’s perfect. Just like you.”

Soon, Axel and Natalie were hovering around us, with Lexi on the bed, curious about the newest member of our family. Amber took Lexi’s toddler hand and pulled her close, talking to her about the baby.

Axel stepped over to me, grinning. “I always wanted a sibling, just didn’t think she’d be younger than my daughter.”

“Watch it.”

He shook my hand and hugged me. “I’m proud of you, old man.”


“You think you can handle raising a daughter?”

I smirked. “If you can do it, I damn sure can, son. I’m more experienced than you when it comes to having a kid.”

“If you mean experienced as being well-seasoned, and when I say well-seasoned, I mean old. So, yeah, Dad, you got me beat on that,” he deadpanned.

“Thanks for the long-winded, unnecessary explanation.” I shook my head.

“Seriously, though.” Axel sobered. “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time, man. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, son.” I hugged him again.

Two more people came into the room, and Amber stopped whatever she was saying mid-sentence. “Mom? Dad?”

Bill raised his hand in a slight wave, while Johana moved quickly over to the bed with tears in her eyes. Clearly, she was happy for her daughter and gazed down at Lucia in fascination. Bill followed sheepishly behind his wife. I knew he was uncomfortable, but I’d called him earlier and basically told him to put his grudge aside. It’d gone on long enough, and he wasn’t hurting only Amber. I knew this had taken a strain on his wife, who was desperate to keep in contact with her daughter and see her grandchild.

At least he made an effort today. He even ended up holding Lucia, and he and Johana reminisced about how she reminded them of when Amber was a baby. When they were leaving, Johana kissed Amber on the temple and made plans to come by the house next week. Gazing up at Bill, she said, “We will both come by to see how our daughter and granddaughter are doing. Right, honey?”

“Yes,” he agreed tentatively, reaching out and giving Amber’s shoulder a squeeze. “We will be there.”

“Thanks, Mom and Dad.” Amber smiled wobbly, and her eyes glistened. I moved next to her, relieved that Bill had been civil. He and I weren’t at a point where we could speak with ease, but maybe one day, we would. All I wanted right now was for them to be there for their daughter. Progress could be measured in baby steps, as well.

Later, I sat on the edge of Amber’s hospital bed, Amber having fallen asleep, and I held Lucia in my arms. She gazed up at me and pursed her tiny mouth, sighing as though content. “I know the feeling, Lucia,” I whispered. “Now, I have two perfect gifts.”

The End
