Page 11 of Adored By the Wolf

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“Nah, I’m good right here. Why don’t you dump some of the stuff in your mind on me instead?” he suggested, completely unfazed by my brush-off.

I stared at him, willing him to get up and leave; but, knowing Bruno, he needed to be near someone. As the most extroverted of our family, he was never alone. I sighed, knowing it was no use wishing him away when he didn’t want to go. “I—”

“You met someone!” Bruno cried.

Shocked that he’d guessed, I spluttered, “What? How do you know that? I mean—”

“You’re blushing!”

I looked away from Bruno toward the balcony doors and saw my face reflecting back at me. The look of agony on my face startled me, and I felt my face warm up even more.

“You’re blushing so hard,” Bruno said, falling onto his side laughing.

I stood up and marched to the bedroom, ignoring his laughter, but he followed me.

“Sorry, Jacob. I couldn’t help it. You’re always so put together, and to see you fall apart like this is unreal. But no more laughing, I promise. I’m all serious now. So tell me, how can I help?”

I stared at him for a bit, making sure he was telling the truth. His lips didn’t even twitch as he stared back. Satisfied, I said, “I’m not ready to have a mate. I’m not at that point in my life plan that allows for a mate.”

“You know that saying—” Bruno began.

“Yeah. Yeah. But so far, I’m right on track, so plans have worked.”


I waved my hand at him and flopped on my bed. It was too early for a mate. I had wanted to ask Dad for permission to travel the world for a couple of years. I wanted to gauge the changes that were going on around us and meet new people, all on behalf of the pack, of course. Having a mate would throw a wrench in that plan.

“You never did tell Dad about your plan, did you?” Bruno deduced. He really was onto it and more intelligent than I gave him credit for.

“No,” I said firmly. “And you’re not going to do it for me.”

Bruno grunted.

I popped an eyelid open and watched his disgruntled pacing. “If no one knew, they’d think both of us were mate-bound and feeling restless.”

“I’m feeling restless because you’re feeling restless. You’re my best bud! What am I supposed to do with myself if I’m not out and about with you?”

That sobered me up quick. I walked over to Bruno and put my hands on his shoulders, stilling him mid-stride. “I’m not going anywhere. You’ve still got me. Whenever I get a mate, you’re still my brother. That’s not going to change, Bruno.”


I watched as Bruno took some deep breaths and then wrapped my arm around him while walking us back into the living room. “Look at us two. We’re so solemn when we should be out having fun before our big brothers or our parents make us go back and finish off Brandon and Luc’s houses.”

“Would partying fit into your life plan?” Bruno asked, giving me a shove in the ribs.

I pretended to wince before saying, “With you, always.”

“Ha!” Bruno pulled me in for a tight hug, which I returned. Then he whispered in my ear, “You know you love helping Luc and Brandon build their new homes. You want what they have too. Admit it.”

I shoved him, and he fell on his butt laughing. Shaking my head, I walked away as Bruno picked himself up off the ground and followed me.

* * *

The next morning, I heard a thumping on my door and found Bruno on the other side, his big grin staring at me.

“It’s way too early for this, Bruno,” I said, turning to walk back to my kitchen to get some coffee. When Bruno was in this mood, there was no turning him off.

“I thought of a plan to get your girl! Or at least find out more about her.”
