Page 43 of Adored By the Wolf

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“Sorry.” I took my finger and made a line across my lips, sealing them shut.

“Right, where was I?” She held up a hand before I could blurt out the answer. “She was our server and kept coming back every two minutes and staring at me while she asked us some off-the-cuff questions. At one point, she asked if I liked to go dancing, and I said I did before realizing I was supposed to be you. So, you now like dancing. He finally told her to go away and that he would ask for her if we needed her. She had some chip on her shoulder because she gave him a scowl before stomping away. It was the weirdest thing.”

“Lira, who is this boy you like?”

“I told you I’m not telling you.”

“I need to know. Would his last name happen to be McCullough?”

Lira just stared at me as if I’d said the most profound thing in the world. “How do you know? You’re not seeing him, too, are you?”

“Not him in particular, I hope, but Jacob’s last name is McCullough.”

Lira gave a noticeable sigh before saying, “His name isn’t Jacob, so there’s that, but it looks like we’re dating men who are related.”

We stared at each other for a second before bursting into laughter. This was something we’d never done before.

“You think we should tell them?” Lira asked.

“Of course, we should! Can you imagine their reaction when they find out?”

“I think it’d be hilarious,” Lira said with a laugh.

“Or blow up in our faces. They’ll be so confused.”

“But the look on their faces!” Lira said.

“That’s not the point.”

“Yes. Yes. I know. The point is to be honest. Sometimes, Millie, you are just no fun.”

I sighed. “You know you’re going to have to come clean to your boyfriend now—”

“Not my boyfriend. We are not there yet,” she said vehemently.

I laughed. “Could have fooled me. What’s his name, anyways?”


“Oh, he’s the one I didn’t get to meet that night I was at their parents’ place for dinner. Well, you can’t pretend you’re me anymore. What are you going to do now?”

“Nothing. I’m just going to keep being you when I’m with him. I kinda like it. I think I might permanently change my personality, because being you seems to get the right response from him.”


“You might not want to have fun anymore, but I still do.”

“Lira, you can’t do that. Just be yourself.”

“Oh, don’t be like Mom, Millie! Don’t tell me what to do!” She stomped over to my bedroom and slammed the door.

Guess I would be sleeping on the couch tonight.


I overheardthe strangest thing tonight. Jacob and Bruno had come in for dinner right when I was about to end my shift, but I stayed a bit longer, wondering what they were up to. Usually, the two brothers were happy and joking around, but tonight they were tense and matter-of-fact.

No words were spoken when I put their food down on the table, and I retreated quickly, hiding in a nook next to their table, where I could hear every word. I had signed out of my shift, so no one would be the wiser that I was still here.
