Page 34 of The Checkmate

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What? That’s her warning? I stifle a laugh. I’m well aware of Meher’s possessive nature. She had behaved in a similar manner when Rima, Tripathi’s wife, had made advances towards me in Dehradun.

“That’s one of the reasons why I’m not taking you along with me,” I tease. “You get insanely jealous even if a woman merely glances at me.”

Meher pulls me closer, her grip on the lapels of my suit tightening, our lips merely inches apart as she replies.

“Would the king appreciate it if any other man notices his queen, makes advances or flirts with her?” she asks.

She has a point. I don’t need to respond; my clenched jaw and stern expression convey my answer.

“Do I need to elaborate further, or has the king grasped his queen’s point?” she says.

“The king has duly acknowledged the queen’s point,” I reply, leaning in for a kiss.

The kiss that starts as slow and tender soon becomes urgent and passionate as Meher parts her lips to deepen the kiss.

“Ayaan, we—” Krish walks into our bedroom unannounced. “Ugh, you guys…” he screeches to a halt on realising we are kissing. He immediately covers his eyes with his hands and turns around, mumbling something to himself.

We stop kissing. Meher is flustered by Krish’s sudden entry into the room, and even though he has turned around, she can’t help but feel embarrassed.

“I thought Meher was downstairs,” Krish continues. “I swear I saw her with Trisha ten minutes back.”

“That was ten minutes ago, Krish,” I reply, wiping the lingering wetness from my lips. “Even ten seconds is enough for any couple to indulge in the act, you know?”

I wink at Meher, who playfully punches my chest to stop me from embarrassing her further. She adjusts her clothing before responding.

“It’s our fault. We forgot to lock the room. And thank goodness it was Krish. If it had been your dad, I wouldn’t have been able to show my face to him for the next few weeks.”

I chuckle. But Meher is right. We need to be more careful. Krish turns around, holding his ear and grinning mischievously.

“I’ll be careful too. No more barging into your bedroom without knocking. Seeing you two like this only fuels my desire for a life partner.”

Just as I’m about to tease him regarding the life partner, Krish taps his watch, reminding me. “It’s time,” he says. “Uncle is in the study, so now is the perfect time for us to leave.”

We haven’t informed Dad about our plans yet. He’s currently busy discussing some matters with Bhaskar Uncle in the study room downstairs regarding his social work. This gives us an excellent opportunity to leave the house without arousing his curiosity and enduring a barrage of questions.

I nod and turn to Meher, but her eyes are fixated on Krish instead.

“I know you must have got it all covered, but a little warning to you anyway,” she says to Krish. “If my king gets a single scratch on his body, you’ll have to face the queen’s wrath.”

Krish rolls his eyes playfully.

“Don’t threaten me. This wasyourking’s idea, not mine.”

“Butyouapproved it, didn’t you?” she argues.

She has a point. Before this argument extends further, I pull Meher to me and stroke her back, assuring her that everything is under control.

“Take a chill pill, Queen. There’s no war that your King has lost yet. And just so you know, I’m not going to let anything happen to him ever. You have my word,” Krish reassures her, his face serious.

“I know.” Meher smiles at him. “Thank you.”

“All the best to both of you,” she wishes us, and then turns to Krish, “You,” she points a finger at him. “You take care of yourself, too,” she winks at him.

Krish grins and gives her a mock salute. He knows that I trust him blindly, and knowing that Meher, too, showers the same level of trust and care towards him strengthens their bond—something that I always wanted—my wife and my best friend to get along fabulously.

“Okay then,” Krish says, rubbing his palms, all set for some action. He turns to Ayaan and says, “I’m downstairs. Come soon.”

Krish heads out and Meher looks at me again.

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