Page 73 of The Checkmate

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“What’s the matter? Why are we suddenly leaving like this?” I question Vishnu, searching for answers. Although Vishnu always prioritises my safety, his recent actions seem more urgent than usual.

“Ayaan got a threat call from Raghav again. We’re not sure if it’s a fake or real threat, but we can’t take any chances,” Vishnu explains. My frustration and annoyance towards Tej and Raghav, who keep interfering in our lives, increases. This had to stop soon. After ensuring the safety of the car, Vishnu opens the door for me to get in.

“Get inside,” he instructs. I look at him, trying to understand the conflicting nature of his actions. “Two weeks ago, you were going against me to the extent of blackmailing me, and now you are desperate to protect me as always without caring for your life. It’s so hard to predict you, Vishnu.”

I shake my head before entering the car. Vishnu closes the door and leans against the window, locking eyes with me.

“Your political career has always been the most important thing in your life. But for me,you have been my whole life. I would never let anything happen toyou. I’m not doing this for you. I am doing this formyself.”

His words hit me with unexpected force, leaving me shocked and guilty. Despite my shortcomings, Vishnu’s unending dedication is a stark reminder of his selfless love. He has shaped his life around protecting me, never demanding anything in return. He is my son, yet he has never complained about his rights. That mere thought brings tears to my eyes today.

As the engine roars to life, I look outside the window, reflecting on Kailash’s recent advice, urging me to prioritise my children over everything else. The weight of Vishnu’s sacrifices dawns on me, and I realise it’s time to break free from my selfish needs. Politics may have been my passion throughout my life, but my children are the reason I want to live. I love Vishnu, Meher and Aksh—equally, and they reciprocate that love. But none of them are happy today because of me. It’s high time I put their well-being above all else, ensuring they receive the love and happiness they truly deserve.

As the car pulls away, I make a silent vow to work on this, and now I know what my next course of action should be!

4 days for the Weapons Delivery



I sit on the edge of our bed, my fingers anxiously tapping the first aid kit in my hands. The room is enveloped in a heavy silence, mirroring the weight of yesterday’s events at Dad’s campaign. Ayaan and Raghav’s clash echoes in my mind, leaving me anxious with an unsettling fear about our future. Though I wasn’t personally there to witness this, I can still sense how intense it might have been.

As I am lost in my thoughts, I fail to notice Ayaan emerging from the shower and standing before me. His strong fingers gently lift my chin, coaxing me to meet his eyes.

“What is bothering my queen?” he inquires, his voice filled with genuine concern. I grasp his wrist and guide him to sit beside me on the bed. Ayaan continues to study my face, searching for the source of my inner turmoil.

Silently, I open the first aid kit, preparing to tend to his bruises from the violent confrontation with Raghav. However, Ayaan stops me before I can apply the antiseptic cream.

“First, tell me what is bothering you so much?” he urges, his eyes locked onto mine. I clench my jaw, feeling the weight of my fears and concerns.

“Stop playing innocent, Ayaan. You’re well aware of what’s troubling me,” I express, frustration marring my words. “There are threats to our lives. I don’t mind if anything happens to me, but I fear foryoursafety.”

“And I worry aboutyoursafety, Meher,” he scolds. “Never utter those words again, saying you don’t mind if anything happens to you.”

I lower my gaze, understanding his perspective.

Ayaan lets out a sigh, cupping my face tenderly. “Don’t you trust your king?” he asks, his eyes reflecting a love and reassurance.

“It’s not about trust. It’s the basic fear of losing the one I love that scares me. They are dangerous people, Ayaan, and I know you can tackle them. But I can’t help but worry about what we might lose before this all comes to an end in our favour.” The vulnerability in my voice lays bare the depth of my fears and the uncertainty of the path ahead.

Ayaan gazes into my eyes, his expression softening with understanding. He takes my hands into his, the warmth of his touch offering a sense of comfort.

“I understand your fears, but we can’t let fear control us. We’ve faced challenges before, and we’ll face these as well.Together.”

I nod, taking in his words, desperate for the reassurance only he can provide.

“What if we can’t protect everyone?” I ask, holding back my tears.

He pulls me into his embrace and strokes my back, kissing the top of my head.

“Meher, we can’t control every outcome, but we can control how we face it. I promise nothing will happen to anyone.”

I hug him tight. His words are like a soothing balm, calming the storm inside me.

“For now, can we focus on matters within our control? Such as tending to these bruises,” he suggests, pulling back from the hug with a grin, gesturing to his injuries.

Damn, I completely forgot about that amid my fears. I offer a faint smile, acknowledging his attempt to lighten the mood, and quickly apply the antiseptic cream to his injuries. Just then, there’s a knock on the door. I go to open it and find the house help standing outside.
