Page 15 of The Maze

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I stand on the terrace, admiring the breathtaking waves of the sea in the darkness. They crash against the shore and retreat, leaving a distinct impression on the sand. I unknowingly keep stroking the black King chess piece of Ayaan, the one I’d carried with me while leaving Dalhousie, recalling every bit of the conversation I had with Ayaan today at the café. I found out one thing today. Ayaan smokes! I didn’t know that, and I’m definitely not happy about it. My conversation with Ayaan in the café still haunts me, especially that one line,‘I will f*ck the deceit out of you very soon.’

Also, as I was getting ready to leave, Ayaan said something about love and loyalty that really stuck with me. He has vowed to love me until eternity, which only means that in the coming days, he is going to throw challenges at every step as I stand by my dad, supporting and defending him against a serious allegation. Controlling the desire to surrender to his touch while fighting the battles standing opposite him is going to be one hell of a task.

“You called me?” Vishnu’s voice jolts me from behind. I literally forgot I’d been expecting him here.

I nod weakly and wait until he reaches and stands next to me.

“What reminded the Queen of the Rook?” he mocks.

“Don’t call me that,” I glare at him.

“Why? Because it reminds you of the King?”

I roll my eyes, trying not to remember Ayaan at this point in time again and lose my focus. Ayaan and I had playfully labelled Vishnu as a Rook, considering his unwavering loyalty towards Dad, and I’d told that to Vishnu while returning from Dalhousie. While he had brushed off the nickname without a comment, today marks the first time he refers to himself by that name.

“Can I trust you?” I ask him.

Vishnu looks at me seriously.

“Depends,” he mutters, exhaling. “Depends on what you are going to ask me. If it’s anything against the interest of the Walia family, then I don’t think you should ever trust me.”

I smile, shaking my head and looking back at the waves frolicking in the sea.

“At this instant, there is nothing I’m willing to do which can go against my family, Vishnu,” I say sincerely.

Vishnu looks suspicious at first, but then he nods in acceptance.

“Then you can trust me.”

I inhale deeply before turning back to him.

“There is someone you need to find for me.”

He looks quizzically at me before I give him further details. Just as we finish discussing the matter, a servant rushes to us.

“Pratap Sir is not feeling well,” he says with panic.

The moment we hear that, both Vishnu and I run down to check on Dad.


It’s 02:00 am at night when the doctor leaves. Dad’s blood pressure had dropped drastically, and he had almost fainted in the room. The servant had gone to give him a glass of milk like he regularly did and saw Dad unconscious and came running to inform us. Devika bhabhi and Aksh bhai had also woken up and were here in Dad’s room. Dad is okay now. Bhabhi hands him a glass of water while I force him to take the medicines. Thankfully he takes them without creating a fuss.

“You all should get back to your rooms. I’m fine now,” he says.

Tears well in my eyes as I hear his slurred speech.

“Dad, I’m so sorry I couldn’t attend the press conference to show my support but believe me, I am with you.”

“Meher, it’s okay,” he sighs, his face weary with exhaustion. “I don’t want anyone to stand by me only for namesake. I had Aksh, Devika and Vishnu. That’s enough for me.”

I gently hold his hand in mine and press it tightly.

“No, that’s not enough. I’m your daughter, and you have every right to ask for my support. I’m already feeling guilty because of my absence today. But I promise this won’t happen ever again. From now on, I’ll be there wherever and whenever you want me to accompany you. I’m aware your name has been tarnished in the political arena because of me. Give me one chance to make things right again.”

“How?” Aksh asks, coming forward. “How can you set things right now? Are you even aware uncle might have to step down even from his Deputy CM role if things don’t turn in his favour soon?”
