Page 16 of The Maze

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“Nothing like that will happen,” I retort, turning back to Dad.

“Politics doesn’t work at your whims and fancies, Meher,” Aksh mocks.

“Then I’ll learn how it works so I can do everything in my power to boost Dad’s position again.”

There is complete silence in the room as if they could not believe what I just said.

“What…what do you mean?” Dad softly asks.

“Elections are nearing, Dad. We need to strengthen your position again and ensure that you climb the popularity ladder with the help of your party supporters and take the place of the CM of the state. As your daughter, I want to help you in making this happen in any way possible. I want to assist you in fulfilling your dream, Dad. I want to be your shadow and support you in all your campaigns. Let me please be a part of it.”

While Dad and Aksh are thrilled at my proposal, Vishnu doesn’t seem impressed and looks at me suspiciously. Devika bhabhi is perplexed as she knows how much I’ve disliked political life all these years.

“Are you crazy? This...this can’t happen. It’s impossible,” Aksh snaps. “You have already caused enough damage by ruining uncle’s position by the scandal. No more now. We need an action plan for damage control. If you get involved with Uncle for his election campaigns, we are bound to draw away the voters. So, please stay away from this. I’ll handle it with him. We don’t need you.”

I clench my jaw. Not that I expected Aksh bhai to be supportive.

“Dad, please. Give me one chance. I can’t see you so stressed and won’t be at peace until I help you lessen the burden that has suddenly cropped up on your shoulders due to my actions.”

“Uncle, No,” Aksh continues to brainwash Dad. “How can we trust that whatever Meher is saying will work to our benefit?”

“It will,” Dad interrupts. Though he looks a bit anxious at what I have proposed to help him out. “Meher supporting us will be a big blow to Ayaan Shergill, and that’s exactly what we want. With Kailash in an indefinite coma, Ayaan is already vulnerable enough to hit back at us. And seeing Meher standing with us will weaken all his defences.”

“But Meher has a history with him,” Aksh bhai continues to argue.

“And that history will never be repeated,” I snap.

Aksh still looks annoyed. Dad turns to Vishnu, who gives a slight nod of approval as if agreeing with me.

“Meher will always be with us, under our watch, so that itself is enough to prove that whatever happened between her and Ayaan will not be repeated,” Dad adds, cupping my cheeks.

Though Aksh is still not convinced, I thank Dad silently for letting me have this chance.

“We are making a huge mistake,” Aksh says before leaving the room.

Devika bhabhi quietly follows him while Vishnu stands next to the bed with the same suspicion in his eyes. My sudden interest in Dad’s political work has baffled him, but it’s my only opportunity to fix the things that have ruined my relationships with my loved ones.

On the other hand, I do sense the intense repercussions of the decision I’ve taken today. Just seeing me support Dad in Kailash uncle’s accident case made Ayaan furious; I cannot even imagine his reaction when he learns of my sudden involvement with Dad in his political affairs. But I, Meher Walia, am the Queen who possesses the audacity to overpower the King if needed, to bring clarity to the chaos of this intricate maze of love, lies and deceit we’ll tread hereon.



It has been precisely seven days since my encounter with Meher at the café. There haven’t been any new updates related to the Walias from our sources, which means something is brewing up at their end, and they are planning something big. With the elections approaching in a few months, Pratap Walia will be in a hurry to clear his and his family’s name from the scandals that have plagued them.

“Take this, Ayaan,” Bhaskar uncle hands me a cup of coffee from the pantry.

Like every other day, I’m at the hospital to be with Dad. Though there hasn’t been any significant improvement in his condition, I make it a point to spend time with him every morning, holding his hand, talking to him and praying for his recovery. The doctors told me that even in this state, Dad’s senses were alive and kicking. They believe that he can hear our every word and sense every emotion. In fact, communicating with him and giving him the strength to battle the coma could be helpful in his recovery, and if God wishes, he might regain consciousness soon. That little hope is all I need to survive this testing time that has befallen upon us.

I sip the coffee and turn to Bhaskar uncle, who sits next to me on the two-seater couch beside Dad’s bed.

“Any luck with the investigation?” he asks, sipping his coffee.

“Currently, there isn’t any substantial evidence to build a case against Pratap Walia,” I explain, frustration seeping into my voice. “The accident occurred in the mountainous region where there were no CCTV cameras, making it challenging to identify the vehicle responsible for colliding with Dad’s car. Pratap Walia is undoubtedly hiding the car and has even lodged a missing vehicle report, enabling him to claim that it was stolen on the day of the accident. By claiming that his car was missing on the day of the accident, he could easily deny any accusations and suggest that someone else was responsible for the incident.”

Bhaskar uncle sighs in disappointment.

“Don’t lose hope, son. Your grandfather has fought battles for the country’s independence, and your father, Kailash, has fought wars with the government for the rights of the people. Now, when he himself is a victim of injustice, it is your duty to fight the odds and seek justice on his behalf. Don’t worry about Kailash. I’m here by his side. The only time I left him alone was during his return journey from Mahabalipur to Mumbai, and tragedy befell upon him. But that will not happen again. I will never leave his side. So go, fight your battles and expose the people behind this without worrying about anything. I’m with you.”

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