Page 18 of The Maze

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Krish tells me to be careful and assures me that my guards will be present in case there are any potential threats. Acknowledging his security protocols, I end the call and navigate through the stairs, making my way to the vacant lobby of the second floor. The area is usually teemed with a diverse mix of individuals—staff, ministers and ordinary people—making it difficult to distinguish anyone in particular. But since it’s a Sunday today, there are very few people inside the building. Had it been a weekday, I know Meher would never choose this location for our meeting, considering anyone could recognise us, further giving fodder to another breaking headline, which neither of us can afford at present. However, I am curious to know what prompted her to summon me here today. The last cabin, where Meher has called me, is somewhat secluded from the usual chaos of this building. A sign outside the room indicates that it is a work-in-progress area.

Outside the door are containers of paint, brushes and various tools, indicating that this room is currently undergoing maintenance. As I push the door to the maintenance room, it creaks open, and I immediately spot Meher standing near the window, gazing outside. The sight of her instantly captures my attention. The room, filled with the scent of fresh paint, seems to come alive as she turns around to face me. Her eyes meet mine, and for a moment, time stands still. Meher looks beautiful in her full-sleeved churidar, the fabric hugging her graceful form. She exudes an irresistible charm even with her hair tied up in a bun. The simplicity of her appearance only adds to her allure, emphasising her natural beauty. The way she carries herself, with poise and confidence, has always left me mesmerised.

I take a step closer, drawn by an irresistible force.

“What on earth are you doing in this building?” I demand to know. “And where the hell are your guards?”

“Only because they are not here, you are able to meet me, Ayaan Shergill,” she answers, coming forward.

Meher places the phone I had given her earlier and the black King chess piece, which I had already assumed she had taken with her when she left Dalhousie, onto the nearby table.

“These belong to you. I thought you should have them back.”

Without a thought, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her towards me. She gasps in surprise at this sudden gesture, instinctively placing her hands on my chest, trying to prevent me from drawing her even closer.

“You, too, belong to me. When will I haveyouback?” I ask.

Our gazes lock, and my pulse races as my need for her grows again.

“I want the real Meher back, the one I fell in love with, free from deceit, lies and her unsheakable support for the Walia family. I want my Queen back,” I declare.

Meher wets her lips in an attempt to steady her nerves.

“I don’t recall being that woman anymore,” she retorts sharply.

The next moment, I pull her further against me, our bodies aligning, and I can feel my warmth seeping into her every pore.

“Allow me to remind you how that woman once was,” I rasp.

“Ayaan…” Her voice escapes in a breathless tone.

I admire her face for a few seconds as I yearned to see and feel her this close to me again. Meher knows how possessive I’m for her, and knowing that she willingly wants this distance between us is fuelling my obsession for her to a whole new level. I press my pelvis against her lower belly, and Meher’s lips part on their own. I’m hard and straining against my pants, and her eyes glaze as she becomes aware of my burning need.

She fists my shirt in her grip, looking intensely at me as if her heart is on the verge of bursting. The next second, my mouth crashes with hers. The sweet essence of strawberry fills my senses, most likely due to her lip balm. But she tastes divine, just like every other time. Meher instantly reciprocates my kiss as if she has been craving for the same. Pulling her by the nape, I plunge my tongue into her mouth, conquering my Queen while relentlessly rubbing our lower bodies, needing the release. I know it’s practically impossible to have it here, considering we could be intruded upon by anyone. But as always, every rational thought goes on vacation when I’m devouring this woman. A moan escapes her lips as she eagerly grinds against my hard shaft. Our kiss turns hungry and even more consuming with every passing second. With all those moans that she is making, I know I won’t last long. Although I want to take her right here and worship her body as I have been yearning, I control my feelings and pull away, leaving her wanting for more. She tugs at my shirt, pulling me to her again, but I don’t kiss her back. The look of rapture on Meher’s face is a sight to behold. Suddenly, she realises what we are doing and freezes as she opens her eyes and looks at me, the lingering passion between us slowly withering away. Her eyes turn a darker shade, hinting that we are back to square one, where she wants the distance between us again. And even then, she looks f*cking perfect.

Grabbing her dupatta, which I’d probably tugged away from her neck while kissing her, Meher wraps it around her neck again. The way she is looking right now, with her flushed cheeks and messy hair, anyone entering this room would know what we had been secretly up to. Not that I mind. The world already knows we are a couple now, whether she accepts it or not.

“You are insane,” she snaps, wiping the wetness of our kiss from her lips.

“Yes, I am,” I retort, grabbing her arm. “A man who loses his everything in a fraction of a second—his father, his love, the very reasons for his being, turns insane, Meher. You can return my belongings, but not the love I’ve showered upon you or my touch that still lingers on your skin, no matter how many times you wash it away.”

She looks away, but I pull her chin to look at me.

“Every time you are around me, we will end up like this. Kissing and f*cking, because that’s what lovers do. You can’t stop it from happening, Meher. Ever.”

The door swings open with a bang, and Vishnu storms into the room. The moment his eyes land on us, standing close together, he advances towards us aggressively.

“I’d warned you to stay away from her,” he seethes.

“She called me.” I shoot him a mischievous wink before shifting my attention to Meher, who appears caught off guard by my disclosure.

Vishnu stops in this tracks and glares at Meher.

“She couldn’t resist meeting me,” I interject, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

“Shut up,” Meher scowls, her expression turning fierce as she turns back to Vishnu. “Make sure he is never around me and my father. I don’t care what you do, just … just keep him away from my sight.”

Vishnu is confused at the sudden demand from Meher, and I… I am seething with anger. She wants to shut me out? Like that’s ever going to happen. Before she can make a move to exit the room, I seize both her arms firmly and pull her to me. Vishnu is on the verge of intervening, but she gestures for him to calm down. With our bodies in sync, Meher and I look at each other, our chests rising and falling rhythmically, her glare challenging me, mine threatening her for all the nuisance she was creating between us.
