Page 19 of The Maze

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“You don’t care what he does to keep me away from you?” I repeat her sentence for her. “You are giving him the authority to hurt me, Meher? Are you even listening to yourself?”

Meher swallows, realising the unintended implications of her statement.

“I’m not telling him to hurt you,” she defends herself, her voice firm. “Just that he keeps you away from me.”

“The woman who used to complain about her guards getting in the way of our meetings is now requesting that they keep me at a distance? How the tables have turned!” I mock.

“You are the reason behind this,” she refutes. “I’ve better things to do than to bear your unhealthy obsession with me all the time. Why are you even interested in having me in your life when you know I’m standing with your enemy?”

“Because you belong to me. And you are blinded,” I assert.

“So are you,” she spats. “Look around you Ayaan Shergill. The Walias may not be the only ones responsible for your downfall.”

“Don’t instruct the King on what he should do,” I retort.

“And you don’t underestimate the Queen’s words,” she fires back.

I smile smugly. While she may deny her love for me and resist my advances, she still acknowledges herself as my Queen! So, I play my next card to keep her on edge.

“You are fond of bringing scandals to life, right? Let’s see how you handle the next one that’s set to make headlines in a while.”

Meher looks a bit shocked as I leave her arms and step back.

“I’ve even decided on a headline for it –‘The estranged couple Ayaan Shergill and Meher Walia caught in a passionate kiss in Arya Bhavan’s maintenance room.’How does that sound?”

Her jaw drops. Vishnu instantly looks around to spot any cameras that could be recording this. Sadly, he won’t be able to find one. Because it’s a lie! Meher might have leaked our pictures to the media for whatever reason, but I won’t expose our private moments for the world to see. But there is still a lot more I can do to ensure she senses the gravity of the situation she is pushing us into.

“For sure, the media would love that video,” I add.

“You recorded our kissing video? How dare you, Ayaan?” She lashes out, aiming a punch at my chest.

I quickly grab her wrists to halt her assault.

“It’s far better than what you did to me,” I retort.

“You have gone rogue.”

“A King goes rogue when his Queen abandons him,” I mutter. The words hang heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the trust she has shattered. “You’reresponsible for all my actions today, Meher. You brought this upon yourself. So be ready for payback.”

Her anger turns into a mixture of shock and defiance.

“Good for you that you have stepped into your father’s political world,” I add, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “You’ll soon discover all the dirty secrets he’s been trying to hide from you. And the way you’re covering up for him, I wonder how long you’ll be able to keep up the facade.”

I pause, locking eyes with her. “Walking in your father’s footsteps will only make you a sinner like him, Meher. And I won’t let that happen. I won’t let you become someone you’re not.”

A smirk tugs at the corners of my lips as I continue, my tone cold and calculated.

“As long as you are supporting your father, you’ll face the repercussions from me. And the day your sanity returns and you choose me, this will all come to an end. I’m prepared to cross any lines and break every limit this time. So, beware of this side of Ayaan Shergill because I assure you, you wouldn’t like to meet him.”

The room is charged with tension as we both stand our ground, ready to face the consequences of our actions. I grab my King chess piece and walk out, leaving Meher to process what I just said. So, my intuition was correct. Meher had taken my black King chess piece from Dalhousie. Regardless of her motives behind it, I now possess it again and feel stronger than before. Nothing can stop me from winning this battle of hearts and minds. The war between us has escalated, and I’m determined to win, no matter the cost.



I don’t know what came over me. Why did I let myself get swept away in the moment and kiss Ayaan again? That kiss was filled with so much intensity, desire and madness that the taste of him still lingers on my lips, threatening to make my heart burst from my chest. If it had lasted even a second longer, I know I wouldn’t have been able to resist him stripping me of my inhibitions and devouring me completely. What was I thinking? Just like every other time in the past, my body had a will of its own when it came to Ayaan Shergill. With a single touch, he has the power to melt me like a burning candle, erasing all my defences, expectations and, most importantly, my dignity.

I’d come to Arya Bhavan for some of Dad’s work. That’s why I decided to meet Ayaan here, intending to keep my family unaware of our brief encounter. But now, after the kiss, I don’t know if meeting Ayaan today was a good idea. Especially in Arya Bhavan, where we could be easily noticed and recognised, especially after our scandalous love affair had been exposed. But I had no choice. It was impossible for me to go anywhere else because my dad had instructed Vishnu to be my constant companion and not let me go anywhere alone. It was a stroke of luck that I managed to meet Ayaan briefly in that room at Arya Bhavan without Vishnu’s presence.
