Page 20 of The Maze

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Vishnu’s angry voice breaks through my thoughts as we sit in the car and head back home. “You kissed him?” he accuses, pointing a finger at me. “In fact, what was he even doing there at Arya Bhavan? Did you call him there?”

I take a moment to compose myself, mentally shaking off my inner turmoil, before I turn to Vishnu.

“I’ve told you countless times I don’t owe you any explanations. But still, let me clarify. I didn’t call him there. He probably stalked me,” I lie.

I’m deeply affected by what transpired between Ayaan and me at Arya Bhavan. But Vishnu doesn’t need to know that. In fact, he shouldn’t have been a part of that incident today at all. I don’t want Dad and others to think I’m deceiving them by meeting Ayaan behind their back. I genuinely have no such intentions.

“You may not be answerable to me, but you will have to give an answer to your father and then to the entire nation when he leaks the video of your kiss to the media.”

“There is no video, Vishnu, and even if there was, Ayaan would never leak it,” I assert, mentally praying and hoping that Ayaan would do no such thing.

“How can you be so sure about that?”

“I just know it.” I swallow hard, staring out of the tinted car window. “Ayaan Shergill would never stoop so low as to tarnish my reputation. He’s just trying to scare us,” I add, trying to convince myself as much as Vishnu.

Vishnu clenches his jaw, taking a deep breath.

“You’re placing your trust in the wrong man, Meher. Right now, Ayaan Shergill is like a wounded lion. As far as I know about men like him, I know he will do anything to get back what he’s lost, even if it means stripping off the woman’s dignity, the one he’s slept with. Mark my words.”

My heart skips a beat. I hope Vishnu’s assumptions are wrong. But deep down, I’ve sensed that fire, that rage and that thirst for justice in Ayaan’s eyes and actions. With his father fighting for his life in the hospital and me standing by my family’s side, Ayaan is capable of going to any lengths. I have to be cautious. Just like he said in Dalhousie, ‘The queen may hold the heart, but the king is still the soul of the game.’I am... uncertain about what lies ahead.

As soon as we step into the house, I notice Dad seething with anger, his eyes fixed on the TV screen. The breaking news flashes on the screen, and my heart drops.

‘The estranged couple, Ayaan Shergill and Meher Walia, caught in a passionate kiss in Arya Bhavan’s maintenance room.’

I freeze, unable to believe what I’m seeing and hearing. How could Ayaan do this to me? The kissing video hasn’t been shown yet, but the reporter keeps mentioning that a close source has confirmed it. They displayed pictures of Ayaan and me separately entering Arya Bhavan and the CCTV footage from outside the maintenance room, where we were both seen entering separately. It’s undeniable evidence, and I feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

‘We bring you the latest on the intriguing and forbidden relationship between Meher Walia and Ayaan Shergill. Today’s breaking news has sent shockwaves throughout the nation as new evidence emerges of their alleged affair. As we delve into their complicated connection, questions arise about the status of their relationship. Did their affair continue despite the recent allegations involving Pratap Walia, Meher’s father, and the unfortunate accident that involved Kailash Shergill? Or have these controversies cast a dark shadow over their once passionate bond? Our sources have confirmed a scorching incident that took place in Arya Bhavan’s maintenance room, where Ayaan Shergill and Meher Walia were reportedly spotted locked in a passionate kiss. The pictures, captured by CCTV cameras installed in the building, serve as undeniable proof of their close encounter.’

I am shocked, my eyes glued to the TV screen as the news unfolds.

‘Adding fuel to the fire, Meher’s involvement in her father’s political work has come under scrutiny. With her public endorsement of Pratap Walia’s upcoming election campaigns, speculations arise about Meher venturing into politics herself, following in her father’s footsteps. This development adds an intriguing twist to the already complex dynamics between Meher Walia and Ayaan Shergill, considering Ayaan’s lineage as the son of a prominent social reformer with a history of tension with the Walias. As the nation grapples with the unfolding drama, we eagerly await their response to these allegations. Will Meher and Ayaan address the rumours head-on, or will their silence only deepen the mystery surrounding their connection? The nation remains captivated by their every move, eager to uncover the truth behind this fascinating tale of love, politics and scandal.’

The reality of the situation sinks in, and a mix of disbelief, anger and fear swirls within me. How did things escalate to this point? And how could Ayaan betray our private moments by leaking them to the media? It’s as if he’s crossed a line he promised he wouldn’t.

Dad’s furious gaze turns to me, his disappointment evident. He had been watching the news before we arrived. I try to find words to defend myself, to explain that this isn’t what it seems. But as I meet his gaze, I realise the magnitude of the mess we’re in. It’s not just about Ayaan and me anymore; it’s about the reputation of our families, the political game and the consequences that await us.

“Dad, this is not what it looks like,” I say, my voice trembling with fear and anxiety. “Ayaan was there, but—”

“I was there too,” Vishnu interrupts, stepping in to clarify things for Dad, his tone firm and in control. “Nothing so occurred. Ayaan is merely playing games, unable to accept the fact that Meher is supporting you and actively participating in your election campaign. In fact, Meher even warned him before me and insisted that I ensure Ayaan keeps his distance from both you and her.”

It’s true. I issued that warning because I know all too well that if Ayaan remains in close proximity, the irresistible attraction between us will inevitably lead to a repeat of what happened in that secluded room today. There seems to be no escape from the magnetic pull and insatiable desire I feel for Ayaan Shergill. But for now, I must set those thoughts aside and express my gratitude to Vishnu for once again coming to my rescue. Although he remains unaware that I orchestrated Ayaan’s presence at Arya Bhavan, he could read it all on my face when he walked in on us kissing. Thankfully, he chose to remain silent about it in front of Dad and supported me instead. And for that, I am forever grateful to him.

Dad, somewhat pacified by Vishnu’s explanation, approaches me and pats my cheek. However, I still sense his lingering doubt.

“You told me you wanted to support me, Meher. Please don’t betray my trust again,” he warns.

With a weak nod, I manage to summon a smile, although the weight of everyone’s warning against breaking their trust is too much to process. Why is everyone warning me not to break their trust? Maybe because I’ve broken their trust, and they no longer trust me.

Dad turns to Vishnu.

“I am telling you again that you will continue to accompany Meher whenever she goes out. I don’t want that Shergill guy cornering her again.”

“Yes, Sir,” Vishnu acknowledges, nodding in agreement. Casting a silent glance my way, laden with a sense of‘I won’t save you again,’he follows Dad to discuss other matters, leaving me to contemplate the consequences of my actions and the fragility of the trust that I had in Ayaan to not leak our kissing news to the media. My phone vibrates with a message as I get back to my room. It’s Ayaan’s. Since I returned his mobile, he has once again started texting my original number.

‘King-5 Queen-4,’the message reads with a winking emoji at the end.

Ayaan has resumed the scoreboard, but this time, he has gone too far, and I’ll never forgive him for that.
