Page 3 of The Maze

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“You have to show some patience, Ayaan.”

“I’m barely hanging by a thread in terms of patience, Krish. My entire life has taken a drastic U-turn in the last twenty-four hours.”

“It has,” Krish sighs.

“Do you know this happened only because Dad’s security, which was supposed to tail him at all times, was not doing its job properly? Why this security lapse, Krish?” I scowl at him, losing my patience. “Where the hell was Dad’s security when the accident happened?”

“Ayaan, Uncle left the health camp without telling the security,” he explains. “He just drove away with his driver in his car. The instant I was alerted, I sent the guards to follow his vehicle. But, by the time they reached,” he pauses for a second, his voice tinged with regret, “the accident had already occurred.”

I clench my fists, several thoughts running through my mind. Could the accident have been prevented if Dad had taken his security team with him when he left Mahabalipur health camp?

“Ayaan,” Krish continues. “I’m increasing your and uncle’s security now. You’ll not go anywhere without the armed guards henceforth.”

I know by Krish’s tone that he has a reason behind this increased security.

“Why? Any luck with the investigation?” I suddenly ask, knowing Krish and his sources are working separately to dig for information on the black Audi SUV that had been tailing Dad’s car. He had clearly mentioned the same over our last call. The same car that had rammed his vehicle, and led to this accident.

“I’ll tell you once I reach India in two days.”

“You are flying down to India? Why?”

“Oh c’mon, Ayaan. Do you really think I’ll want to be anywhere else than with you two when you and Uncle are in this mess? Besides, you need your friend at this moment.”

“Stop sugarcoating the real reason, Krish,” I retort. “You can’t fool me. If you are coming all the way to India and are increasing Dad and my security, it means you are close to exposing something big. What is it?”

Krish exhales.

“I’ll tell you everything once I am there. No need to do this on the call, Ayaan.”

“What. Does. Your. Investigation. Say. Krish? Speak up.” I bellow this time.

“Fine. Then listen. The Walias also own a Black Audi SUV, which they had taken to Mahabalipur for the health camp. And now, it’s suddenly missing. My sources have informed me that the Walias have filed a complaint about their missing car. And the funny part is that the SUV has been missing since the same time uncle’s accident happened. I don’t have any concrete evidence linking that vehicle to the one that rammed Kailash uncle’s car, but we can’t overlook this information. We must consider the fact that just hours before the accident, Pratap Walia had threatened uncle with his life before the media. It could have been a mere outburst of anger, but we cannot dismiss the possibility, especially when the car models mentioned by uncle on his phone call with you match exactly with the brand and colour owned by the Walias.”

Pratap Walia tried to kill Dad?Fury rages through my veins, connecting the dots with a chilling clarity while Krish continues explaining his theory.

“Who can steal a minister’s vehicle amidst such tight security, Ayaan? Either someone with advanced technology was able to bypass the security measures and steal Walia’s vehicle, or the Walias were intentionally hiding the vehicle, which could be crucial evidence in the investigation of uncle’s accident. Something is amiss! That’s why I’m personally coming there to uncover the truth and ensure your and uncle’s safety. I’m also briefing the security to tighten their measures.”

I recall Dad’s phone conversation with me when the accident happened. He had clearly mentioned the car model which was tailing them. This can’t be a coincidence that Pratap Walia’s car, which is of the same model as the vehicle that caused the accident, has suddenly gone missing at the same time Dad’s accident took place.

Vishnu’s words in Dalhousie this morning echo through my mind, warning me about Pratap Walia’s sinister intentions.

‘Pratap Walia thinks you have lured his daughter and made her fall in love with you for the approvals of the Mashaal Project. You’ll very soon pay a heavy price for touching his daughter. Mark my words.’

Vishnu’s words continue to invade my mind, each syllable cutting through my thoughts like a knife. Heavy price? Was Vishnu hinting about Dad’s accident? They know the only way they can hurt me is through my father. They used my love for Meher as a weapon against me, targeting my weakness, the one person who means the world to me. My dad had to pay a heavy price for my involvement with Meher.

How could I not have been there for Dad? How could I let this happen? Questions swirl in my mind, each one piercing through my heart. Regret washes over me in waves, mingling with the anger that simmers just beneath the surface. Anger at myself, at the circumstances that kept me away, and for not foreseeing that something could go wrong before my dad had to deal with this tragedy.

“Ayaan, listen to me.” Krish’s voice breaks through the turmoil in my mind. “Don’t engage with the media. Avoid the reporters as much as possible. We don’t want to give them any explanations until I reach India and we have solid evidence.”

I clench my jaw, unable to quell the fire burning within me.

“How can you expect me to sit idle while Pratap Walia walks freely? He has attempted to kill my dad. He has murdered my driver Ramesh. I won’t rest until I see him face the consequences of his actions. I won’t let him get away with this, Krish,” I snap, my voice filled with determination.

“Ayaan, I know you’re angry, and I share your sentiments. But we need to be strategic. Let’s gather all the evidence first. Once I’m there, we’ll plan our next move carefully. Our top priority at the moment is your and uncle’s safety. If the Walias or anyone else can hurt uncle, then they can try to harm you too. We have to be vigilant.”

My fists clench in frustration as I grit my teeth.

“Enough of beating around the bush, Krish. It’s time to wage war.” I growl. “I can’t let Pratap Walia off the hook while my father fights for his life. Justice will be served, and I won’t give up until I see him pay for what he’s done to my dad.”
