Page 4 of The Maze

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“Gosh! Ayaan, will you ever listen to me? Just promise me that you’ll be careful and not do anything reckless. We’ll uncover the truth together. I’ll be there soon.”

I take a deep breath, trying to curb my anger.

“Ayaan, are you even listening?” Krish shouts on the phone, but my eyes are focused on the reporters crowding outside the hospital, waiting for some update on Dad’s condition. The police personnel are holding them from getting inside.

Without a second thought, I disconnect Krish’s call and walk towards the reporters. The crowd and my father’s social activists surround me, all eager to know about his well-being. The cameras flash, and the questions come pouring in. The reporters bombard me with questions, seeking any type of information they can get their hands on.

“How is Kailash Shergill doing?”

“Did you happen to speak to him before the accident? Any idea what caused that accident?”

I straighten myself, look them in the eye and raise my voice above the chaos, my words cutting through the air.

“It was not an accident. It was an attempt of cold-blooded murder.”

Silence descends upon the crowd, shock visible on each of their faces. The reporters frantically raise their recorders and cameras, demanding more details. One of them dares to ask, “How can you be so sure it was not an accident? Who do you think is responsible for your father’s current state?”

My gaze turns icy as I lock eyes with the cameras, my voice reverberating with determination. “Pratap Walia. The Deputy CM of this state has tried to murder my father.”

Shocked gasps fill the air as the weight of my accusation sinks in. The mere mention of Pratap Walia, a powerful political figure in the state of Maharashtra, connected with such a heinous act sends ripples of shock waves through the media. I know Dad will not be happy with me waging an open war with the Walias like this. I normally wouldn’t have acted on my impulse like I did today by proclaiming to the world that Pratap Walia is behind my father’s accident, but I had no other choice. The Walias have not only disrupted my peace but also have dared to risk my Dad’s life, and for that, they won’t be spared.

‘Forgive me for what I’m about to begin, Dad,’I silently ask for forgiveness from my father, hoping he would understand before staring defiantly at the cameras, pointing a finger directly at them. “Pratap Walia, you won’t be spared. I’m coming after you.”

The chaos erupts once again, the reporters scrambling to capture the explosive scoop on camera. As the sea of questions rises, I turn and walk away, leaving them all behind. My focus is singular, my purpose clear.

Pratap Walia may hold power, but I vow to bring justice, no matter the cost. I will not rest until he is held accountable for his actions. The battle lines have been drawn, and I am ready to fight for what I hold dear. And I won’t stop until I win.



2 Days Later

Indefinite coma!!That’s what Dad has slipped into. The doctors informed and explained to me that since Dad’s brain function was severely impaired in the accident, he had gone into a comatose state with no clear or predictable timeframe for recovery or awakening. The best doctors and medical care team is working round the clock to treat him, but there is no certainty when Dad will regain consciousness. This has further fueled my vengeance to punish the person responsible for Dad’s present state.

“Ayaan, we are here,” Krish’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

He landed in Mumbai yesterday evening and has, since then, stood with me as a strong support system along with Bhaskar uncle.

I look outside the car window only to realise Krish has driven me home from the hospital. He gets down from the car to have a chat with the additional security he has assigned to protect me, whereas I lean back on my seat, shutting my eyes, recalling every word that the doctor had uttered two hours ago.

‘Your father has slipped into a coma. We classify it as an indefinite coma, as we do not know how long it will take him to revive. We will continue to monitor his condition and explore all available options, but it’s important to be prepared for the possibility that he may never regain consciousness.’

Dad may never regain consciousness!! No, that’s impossible. He is my hero, my everything. I can’t imagine a life without him. I know the journey towards Dad’s recovery will be slow and laborious, but I refuse to give up and lose hope. My dad is a fighter. He’ll survive this. He has to! For me and all the people who need him.

“Ayaan, get down. Please.” Krish’s voice once again breaks my reverie.

He is holding the car door open for me.

“Just leave me alone, Krish,” I snap.

“I will, once you are resting in your room. Not until that. You haven’t slept in the last 48 hours. It’s high time you rest, Ayaan. Now get out of the car, or I’m asking the guards to drag you all the way inside.”

“Dare they touch me,” I say, glaring at Krish before getting down from the car and making my way to the main door. Since my return from Dalhousie, Krish’s highly competent security personnel have been actively on duty, ensuring my safety at all times. While their presence is intended for my protection, I’m not accustomed to such a high level of security.

The moment I step inside the house, my steps falter. Dad’s absence at home hits me straight in the gut and stabs at my heart. Every time I had been home, he was here to greet me with a welcoming hug. And today, he is fighting for his life in the hospital. I stand frozen, my gaze fixed on the empty chair where Dad used to sit, his presence still lingering in the air. The family photographs on the walls serve as a bittersweet reminder of the happy times, igniting a mix of nostalgia and anguish within me. I long for him to return, yearning for his laughter to once again fill the air and bring life back into our home. Unable to stay here without him, I turn around to go back to the hospital, but Krish blocks my way.

“Where are you going?”

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