Page 45 of The Maze

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“Where is the evidence? Tell me now, or else I’ll shoot both you and your woman,” he warns Ayaan.

My heart pounds harder. Ayaan eyes harden, and he clenches his jaw, his eyes fixed on the captor. Not wanting the captor to hurt Ayaan, I take the only chance I have and push the captor’s arm away, desperate to divert his aim from Ayaan.

A deafening gunshot fills the air. But it’s not from the captor’s weapon.

All of us instinctively turn towards the source of the gunshot. An unknown sniper is positioned on the rooftop, wearing a white jacket with a hoodie to cover his face. Also there is some kind of logo on his right arm, which is quite blurry from this distance. As the sniper’s shot took down the captor, a chilling thought crossed my mind. Who was the sniper’s target? Was he aiming for the captor or one of us?

Hit by the bullet, the captor drops to the ground. I scream in fear. This is the first time I’ve actually heard a gunshot, and I am seeing someone die before my eyes. The instant I scream, Ayaan pulls me into his embrace, wanting to ensure I am safe.

“Sshh. It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here, baby,” Ayaan murmurs, hugging me tightly.

“Look after her,” Vishnu says before taking off in pursuit of the sniper, who jumps off the rooftop and escapes, leaving Ayaan and me momentarily alone.

Although I appeared strong in front of my abductor, deep down, I was terrified. If Ayaan hadn’t arrived on time, I don’t think I would have stood a chance. Despite all the doubts and mistrust between us, he risked his own life to save mine. This shows that his love for me is stronger than any misunderstandings or obstacles. Though I am angry at him for not trusting me when I needed him the most, this situation has left me shaken. That’s why in this moment of chaos and danger, I find solace in his arms, knowing that as long as he’s by my side, I can face anything that comes my way.Absolutely anything.



The sniper who shot the captor was definitely one of the men who tried to abduct me in Austria. I can never forget his signature white jacket with a hoodie and the iconic ‘Bat Logo’ on the right sleeve.Who is he? And why was he here?

The cops barge inside, pull up the assailants and take them away. Krish must have called the cops. He is here too and gives me a brief nod from a distance. He then proceeds to handle the situation by speaking with the police.

Meher is still in my embrace, and she is terrified. I know she has never encountered this kind of situation in her life. It was too much for her. The gunshot, blood and lifeless body of her captor sprawled on the ground is making her nauseous. Once her breathing settles and her grip loosens from my shirt, I take her to the side, away from the chaos. Meher sighs in relief as she realises the situation is finally under control. But me? My heart is still in a twist imagining what would have happened if I hadn’t arrived on time. My hands cup her face as I search her eyes for any signs of injury.

“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” I ask, concern and worry evident in my tone.

She shakes her head weakly, confirming she is okay. However, my anger resurfaces as I remember the exact cause of this incident today. It was all Meher’s fault.

“You again escaped your guards, didn’t you?” I ask. “Don’t you get it, Meher? Your family has a lot of enemies out there who are waiting for that one opportunity to use against them, and you foolishly give them those by defying your security protocol every f*cking time.”

I scoop her face between my palms.

“Don’t you know how precious your life is to me?” I ask, clenching my jaw. “Do you have any idea what I went through knowing you were missing from the last three hours? I effing died in worry and hope to see you safe and sound, Meher. Why the hell do you do this to me every time?” I shout.

She jerks in surprise as I raise my voice, looking scared, with tears running down her face. Her reckless behaviour has always kept us all on our toes. Pulling her face, I kiss Meher’s forehead, trying to calm my racing heartbeats. I have been in a mess ever since I came to know Meher was in danger today. I am so relieved that she is okay.

“You have no idea what I’ve been through,” I continue. “I have been dying a slow and painful death ever since I came to know you never deceived me, Meher,” I add, looking intensely into her eyes, my gaze apologetic, hoping she forgives me.

Her lips part as Meher stares at me in surprise. I nod.

“I know the truth,” I say, my voice filled with regret. “Krish found out that Raj and Aksh were responsible for the scandal and for sowing those seeds of doubts in my head. They manipulated the situation to make it look like you betrayed me. I know everything now.”

As soon as I finish my statement, Meher pushes my chest with force and gives me an angry look. But before she can respond further, Vishnu returns to the scene.

“I missed the sniper,” Vishnu interjects, disappointment and anger evident in his voice. “He was too quick. I pursued him for a while, but suddenly a car appeared out of nowhere, and he got into it and managed to escape. I was too far away from the vehicle to catch the number plate.”

My anger intensifies as I realise we missed our only opportunity to identify the sniper. If I had pursued him, he would not have gotten away. However, at the time, my priority was to remain with Meher, ensuring her safety and providing her with comfort.

As I recall my earlier conversation with Meher, I realise that Vishnu was the one who fabricated the lie about Meher being responsible for the scandalous leak of our affair to the media. My anger intensifies, and I can’t hold back anymore. I grab Vishnu by the collar to unleash my fury at him for daring to malign Meher’s reputation and undermining my trust in her.

“You… You planted the seed of doubt in my mind against Meher! You deliberately misled me into believing she was the one who leaked our pictures and love affair to the media,” I growl, clenching my fist and punching him square in his jaw. “How dare you?”

Vishnu’s jaw bruises from the impact, but he retaliates, grabbing my collar in return.

“And how dare you slander Meher’s dignity by sensationalising your so-called kiss with her in the media? You also used Aksh to bring down Pratap Walia and created a rift within the Walia family.”

“I didn’t do anything new. Aksh had already decided to betray Pratap Walia, with or without my intervention,” I retort, shrugging Vishnu’s hands off me.
