Page 44 of The Maze

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As the chaos erupts, Ayaan springs into action, his movements swift and precise. He launches a series of powerful kicks and punches, taking down the goons one by one. I watch in awe as he tackles them with a practiced finesse, his eyes filled with a fiery intensity.

One of the goons makes a move towards me, but Ayaan reacts in a split second. His punch connects with the man’s jaw with lightning speed, sending him stumbling backwards. Ayaan pulls me protectively towards him, shielding me from any harm. The possessiveness and passion in his action ignite a mixture of fear and exhilaration within me.

I had witnessed Ayaan’s combat skills firsthand when he rescued me from rogue protestors during a rally. At that time, we were not even in love with each other. But today, he is not just saving some random woman, but the one he loves, taking his fighting abilities to a new level.

Ayaan expertly pushes another attacker with a well-placed kick, his movements fueled by rage. He moves with fluid grace, evading the attacks of his opponents and retaliating with a fierce intensity. His kicks are precise and killing, capable of draining even the toughest of adversaries.

The goons again surround me, and Ayaan springs into action, intercepting them with incredible speed. In the scuffle that ensues, one of the attackers appears from nowhere and slashes his arm with a sharp knife, causing blood to ooze from the wound. But Ayaan doesn’t flinch.

“Ayaan.” I feel a rush of pain as I call out his name in horror.

Ayaan slows down for a split second but continues to fight, unleashing his fury on the attackers regardless of his own injuries.

He refuses to back down. As the defeated goons lay sprawled across the floor, I thought Ayaan had finally managed to overpower all of them. However, another six men suddenly sprint inside and lunge towards him. They must have been called here for backup by these goons. I wonder how Ayaan will manage to fight them on his own, especially given that his arm is bleeding.

“Meher, run,” Ayaan shouts, pushing me away.

“I’m not leaving you alone,” I yell back when I see the six goons attack Ayaan.

I refuse to run and abandon him in his moment of need.

In a desperate attempt to help Ayaan, I search for something...anything to use as a weapon. A solid wooden log catches my attention, and I quickly grab it. With a firm grip, I charge towards the attackers approaching Ayaan. I strike, but the blow is not enough to hurt them. Before I can strike again, one of the goons forcefully shoves me, causing me to stumble and fall to the ground. Pain shoots through my body, the impact leaving bruises on my forehead.

Ayaan’s eyes spits fire as he witnesses my fall. He seizes the attacker’s neck, the one who pushed me, his grip tight and unrelenting. Ayaan hurls the man against a nearby pillar with a resounding thud echoing through the deserted factory. My heart lurches as he avenges the harm inflicted upon me.

However, the situation becomes challenging as the remaining attackers gather around Ayaan, overpowering him with their combined force. Escaping from this place seems next to impossible. Watching Ayaan bravely battle through his pain and face his opponents brings tears to my eyes. I can still hear his commanding voice telling me to leave this place immediately. He must be joking if he thinks I will leave him alone here.

Ayaan is fighting with all his strength and not letting any of these men touch me again. However, he is exhausted, as the group of attackers are too powerful for him to handle alone. I grab the log of wood again and am about to attack these men when a figure leaps down from the roof, landing right behind the goons who have cornered Ayaan. I am shocked to see Vishnu, but now that he is here, it fills me with a sense of happiness like never before. But wait! What the hell is he doing here? Even Ayaan looks stunned at his intervention.

Ayaan throws a ‘I-don’t-need-you-here-so-buzz-off’ glare at Vishnu, who returns it with his arrogant smirk indicating ‘I-am-here-for-Meher-not-you.’

Even in this dire situation, I can’t help but hold back my laughter. The action scene in front of me just took on a comical turn as Ayaan and Vishnu, who can’t stand each other—who are like two angry bulls butting heads whenever they are in the same space—are both here, for me. I can’t help but feel special right now. I chuckle inwardly, praying they don’t forget the goons and start flexing their muscles at each other instead. That would be an epic showdown!

Vishnu diverts the attention of some goons from Ayaan and starts fighting them single-handedly. His arrival renews my dwindled hope, even though Ayaan seems unsure about his unexpected appearance.

Vishnu skillfully fights off multiple goons, expertly kicking and hurling them with calculated moves. Now with an ally on his side, Ayaan fights back with renewed vigour against the remaining assailants. The two men work in tandem, a united force protecting me from harm. It’s like watching an action sequence straight out of a Bollywood movie, with a flurry of kicks, throws and punches all blended into one.

Suddenly, I feel the cold barrel of a gun pressing against my forehead. My heart races in my chest as I see the captor’s grip tightening around my neck as he tries to drag me away. Fear and adrenaline rush through my body, so I shout as loud as possible.

“Ayaan,” I scream, hoping to catch his attention. To my relief, both he and Vishnu halt in their tracks, their eyes locked on the captor trying to take me away.

They stop attacking the other henchmen, who are now lying motionless on the ground. Both of them lunge forward to save me, but the captor presses the gun onto my forehead firmly again.

“Stop right there, or I’ll shoot her,” the captor shouts.

Though they come to a sudden halt, I can read their eyes. Ayaan and Vishnu are figuring out a plan to rescue me from the captor’s clutches, mentally calculating their approach to reach me and free me.

“Don’t shoot her,” Vishnu snaps at the captor, slowly taking a step ahead.

“Then don’t come near,” the captor says, dragging me behind, keeping his gun trained on me.

“I have the evidence you need,” Ayaan’s voice cuts through the tension. “Let her go,” he demands, his voice steady despite the imminent danger.

The captor appears confused and hesitates while trying to comprehend Ayaan’s statement.

“I’ll give you whatever you need. You just leave her,” Ayaan repeats, inching forward.

The fool that he is, the captor believes Ayaan. Realising that if Ayaan has this evidence, then shooting or taking me away might not fulfill his purpose, so his attention shifts and now he points the gun at Ayaan instead.No!!

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