Page 61 of The Maze

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I watch Meher, her eyes widening with realisation as I lay the cards on the table. The intensity in my gaze tells her that I’m dead serious about this proposal. Her father’s political career, his reputation, everything is within my grasp, and I make sure she understands the power I hold over their lives. The choice is clear—marry me, and I’ll salvage her father’s sinking career; deny me, and I’ll bring it all crashing down.

Tears shimmer in her eyes, and I know I’ve struck a nerve. She sees the extent I can go and the lengths I’m willing to stretch to have her by my side. It’s a dangerous game of wits, and I’m playing it like a pro. I see goosebumps rise on her skin as her trembling hand gently rubs over the other, her turbulent emotions on full display.

“Once you agree to marry me, I’ll take control of the narrative and hold a press conference,” I continue. “I’ll retract all my allegations against your father, stating that he had no involvement in my dad’s accident. Not only that, but my father will also provide a statement to the police supporting my claim. Every scandal, every rumour about our love affair and my accusations against your father will be wiped clean from the public memory the moment we announce our marriage to the world.” I gaze at Meher, sensing her dilemma as she struggles between agreeing and resisting my proposition of marriage.

Deep down, I know she’ll eventually relent, and I’m determined to leave no stone unturned to nudge her in that direction.

“You’ve been a devoted daughter, standing by your father all this time. You can’t back off now. I can see how desperate he is for this damage control. Don’t let it slip away just because you can’t forgive me for my past mistakes. We have a lifetime ahead of us to mend things, but your father won’t get another chance at salvaging his political image.”

“Enough of your empty threats!” Pratap Walia roars with fury. “My daughter will never succumb to your demands, Ayaan Shergill, and neither will I. Joining hands with adversaries has never been my way, and that too with a Shergill, no chance of that. I wouldn’t even consider it in my wildest dreams.”

As I clench my jaw, I steal a glance at Meher. She stands torn between her love for me, my proposal and her father’s political career. She fails to see that by marrying me, she’ll be with the man she loves forever, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make her see that. I’m prepared to move heaven and earth to woo her, but she must take the first step, the step of becoming my Queen and being officially mine.

Meher remains silent, but her father continues his tirade.

“I’ve seen more life than you, Ayaan Shergill. I know all too well when and why my enemies pretend to shake hands with me in the name of being allies. Did you think I would bow down to your proposed ‘damage control’ deal just because politics is my soul and nothing and no one comes before it? You are gravely mistaken.”

He steps forward, standing between me and Meher, asserting his dominance.

“I allowed you to enter this house only because you saved my daughter when she was abducted. And that’s the sole reason why you’re leaving here unharmed. Otherwise, anyone who dared to sabotage my career wouldn’t have walked away freely, ever!”

I can’t help but snicker at his proclamation.

“I don’t see you having the courage to face the odds that I am going to lay at your feet if you don’t agree to my demands,” I taunt, fuelling his anger further. “So whatever frustration you’re displaying now, I promise you’ll feel double the desperation to accept my proposal once you think wisely about it. And then, you’ll not only welcome me back into this house but also into your family with open arms as your son-in-law.”

I push my finger on his chest, poking him gently without taking my eyes off him.

“Youneed me, Pratap Walia andIneed your daughter. The good part is that we both know we are not going to relent until we get what we want.”

“Get out,” he sneers.

With a triumphant smile, I withdraw my finger and steal a quick glance at the woman who holds my heart before heading towards the exit. The only thing standing in the way of my proposal and Meher’s acceptance is time. I’ll allow her a few hours before executing my next strategic move.


Next Day – Hospital

I fill a glass with water as the nurse adjusts Dad’s bed so he can sit comfortably. His condition has significantly improved since he came out of the coma; his bruises are healing, and his vital signs are stable. The doctors have informed he will be discharged in a week, but they have suggested an additional month of rest for him to recuperate fully. I am not going to allow him to exert himself during that time. All he needs to do is eat, chat and rest.

As I put the jug away, I try to keep a straight face, but a constant smile tugs at the corners of my lips. I can tell that Dad is noticing it too. It’s hard to contain my joy since I proposed to Meher for marriage. In my mind, I already see us standing side by side like a formidable power couple, supporting and complementing each other in every way. Though she hasn’t given her answer yet, I am confident that she will eventually come around.

“Why are you so chirpy and happy today?” Dad asks, raising an eyebrow. “What is it that you’re hiding from me, son?”

I try to shrug it off, avoiding eye contact. “Nothing, Dad. Take your medicines first,” I say, handing him the glass of water.

He takes the glass from me but places it on the side table.

“Ayaan, I can tell when you’re hiding something from me,” he persists. “Come on, out with it.”

I roll my eyes playfully, trying to act casual.

“The doctor says you’re not allowed to talk so much or stress yourself,” I retort.

The nurse looks between us and smiles.

“He’s right,” she replies, looking at Dad and giving him his medicines.

“Don’t take his side,” he chastises her before returning his attention to me. “It’s important for me to know what my son is hiding.”
