Page 62 of The Maze

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The nurse grins and walks out of the room. I know Dad won’t give up until he gets an answer.

“Are you going to tell me what happened, or do I have to pinch your ears?”

“Fine. Listen. I’d been to the Walia House yesterday.”

“You went to the Walia House?” he repeats, shocked. “Why would you go there?”

I chuckle, knowing I’ve piqued his curiosity. “You always wanted me to take back the allegations I made against Pratap Walia, right?” I ask.

He nods, still not sure where this is going.

“Well, I went there to tell him that I’m taking back those allegations,” I say, enjoying the look of surprise on Dad’s face.

“And?” he prompts, leaning in closer.

“And,” I pause for dramatic effect, “I proposed to Meher for marriage before him.”

Dad’s jaw drops, and he stares at me in disbelief.

I know I can’t reveal the whole truth about the deal with Pratap Walia to Dad. He wouldn’t approve, and I had no other choice at that moment. So, even though I told him about proposing to Meher, I have not revealed the full details of my meeting with Pratap Walia.

“You proposed to Meher?” he exclaims. “My goodness, I never expected this!” Dad looks at me with surprise, a hint of amusement dancing on his face.

Little does he know there’s more to the story than what I’ve just shared.

I know I should have at least informed Dad that I was going to propose to Meher for marriage, if not the deal part, but everything happened in a jiffy. I had decided to tell him after getting Meher’s approval for the wedding, but seeing his curiosity, I finally told him.

I smirk, feeling proud of my bold move. “Gosh, I wanted to surprise you with this news later, but you don’t let me hide anything from you,” I tease.

Dad shakes his head, still trying to process everything. “I must say, you never cease to amaze me, Ayaan,” he says with a mix of amusement and admiration in his voice.

“Meher hasn’t replied yet,” I say, feeling slightly anxious. “But I know she will. She just needs time to process everything. You know, with all that has happened between us.”

Dad nods in understanding. In the last few days, I’ve told Dad bits and pieces of how I didn’t trust Meher and how our relationship has constantly faced strong currents of misunderstandings and issues. The only thing Dad told me was that if I truly loved her, then I would make every effort to win her again. Although how I proposed the marriage deal may not be the right way to begin wooing Meher, I had to start somewhere.

“Of course, she needs time, Ayaan. You hurt her deeply by not trusting her,” he says. “Give her the space she needs. She’ll come around. She loves you.”

Just then, a familiar sensation washes over me, and my heart skips a beat as Meher appears at the door. Her presence mesmerises me. What is she doing here? I never expected her to come and see Dad at the hospital. But here she is. I’m grateful to her for not harbouring a grudge against my father and allowing it to influence her relationship with him. She looks lovely in her maroon salwar suit, and I can’t take my eyes off her. Her grace and confidence in carrying herself is, as usual, a turn-on for me.

“Meher?” Dad’s voice is filled with surprise and joy as he greets her. “Come inside, dear.”

She gives me a quick glance before heading inside on Dad’s calling. She greets him warmly and hands him the flowers she has got for him.

“How are you, uncle?” she inquires, her genuine concern shining through.

As the charmer he is, Dad can’t resist teasing, “I was doing fine, but now I feel as fit as a fiddle after seeing you here.”

Meher blushes at his compliment, and I can’t resist smiling. She has this effect on people, effortlessly lighting up the room with her presence.

Dad chuckles, patting the space next to him, and Meher gracefully takes a seat. He places a gentle hand on her head, giving her his blessings.

“I’m glad you came to meet this old man. Does Pratap know that you have come here?” Dad asks, curiosity still twinkling in his eyes.

“Yes, he does. I told him I wanted to see you. He wasn’t pleased about it, but…” she swallows. “I managed to convince him.”

“That’s wonderful,” Dad smiles. “I like it when you fight for what you believe is right.”

Meher’s mood shifts, and she immediately holds Dad’s hand.
