Page 73 of The Maze

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“Dad, this is my battle too. Anything that happens with the Walias affects me too. I’m not a pawn in this game. I’m your daughter. I know what I’m doing, and I want what’s best for you,” I argue. “Please don’t make decisions out of anger or fear. Let’s be strategic, like the chess games you used to play with me. As a king of your game, you need to think several moves ahead and find a way to outsmart Ayaan without sacrificing your political career. If you resign now, it will be seen as an admission of guilt. But if you stay and clear your name, you can prove to everyone that you’re innocent. You can show them that you’re not backing down, that you’re not going to let anyone tarnish your reputation.”

Dad looks conflicted, torn between his pride and the practicality of the situation. I take his hand in mine, trying to convey my love and support. “Please, Dad, don’t make any hasty decisions. Let’s consider all our options and find the best way to protect our family’s honour. I can’t stand by and watch you ruin everything because of your pride.”

He looks into my eyes, and for a moment, I see the uncertainty in his gaze, so I fill him in on whatever progress has happened so far. I take a deep breath, knowing what I’m about to say will be difficult for him to hear. But I need to make him see the bigger picture.

“I met Ayaan at the Josh pub tonight,” I begin, trying to keep my voice steady. He looks at me in disapproval, waiting for me to continue. With a deep breath, I carry on, “And I’ve agreed to marry him. But only after he publicly states that you had no involvement in his father’s accident and withdraws all the allegations against you.”

His reaction is immediate and intense. He shrugs my hold from his hand, his face clouded with anger and disbelief.

“You agreed to this? You may be blinded by love, but I won’t let Kailash Shergill or his son play with my political career. I won’t have it revived through their favours.”

I refuse to let his anger deter me. I meet his stern gaze, trying to make him understand.

“Dad, no one is doing any favours here,” I assert firmly. “Kailash uncle genuinely believes you’re innocent, and that’s why Ayaan has agreed to take back his allegations against you.”

I press on, my voice growing more determined by the second, “You’ve worked so hard all your life to make a name in politics. Kailash uncle and Ayaan are both taking a step towards us, and we need them to resolve the mess that’s affected our lives too. You will never get another chance if you let go of this one. We must be smart about this, as you’ve always taught me. Let’s use this opportunity to rebuild our reputation and strengthen our position in politics.”

I emphasise and highlight that this decision is for the betterment of the Walias and our family’s reputation.

“If you let go of this opportunity, you’ll be giving Ayaan and his family exactly what they want – your downfall. This is your chance to clear your name and to prove your innocence. We can’t let our personal feud blind us towards our future goals. We can’t let our pride stand in the way of our future.”

I step closer to him, taking his hand in mine, hoping my touch will calm him.

“I want you to contest the elections in peace, win it and continue leading your political party without any hindrance,” I plead with my father, my grip on his hand tightening as I try to convey the sincerity of my words.

He nods gently, understanding my point. So, I also take this opportunity to be upfront with him about my feelings for Ayaan. This time, I don’t want to hide anything.

“I love him, Dad,” I murmur, but with unwavering confidence. He cringes at my confession, but I refuse to back down. “If there is anyone I want to marry, it will always be him. So, even if you refuse Ayaan’s proposal now, my feelings for him will never change.”

I can see that he’s torn between his anger and his love for me. I hold my breath, hoping that my words have made a difference.

“You still love him? A man who didn’t trust you? Meher, love is never enough. Trust is what keeps a relationship going. You hardly know him. Moreover, who falls in love in such a short time?” he argues, his voice tinged with concern.

“Didn’t you fall in love with Mom at first sight?” I inquire, determined to make him understand.

“Yes, but—”

“Then how can you, of all people, ask me about falling in love in such a short span, Dad?” I interrupt him with fire in my eyes. “Ayaan loves me. Time and again, he has proved how much I mean to him. He is ready to defy all odds to have me by his side. Yes, he made a mistake by not trusting me, but the situation itself was tricky, and anyone in his place would have felt I deceived him. He is repenting, Dad. He has also apologised to me. Though it will take time for things to be like before between us, I want to make this work.”

I can see the conflict in his eyes, and I can tell that he understands the logic behind my decision. He may not fully agree with it yet, but he knows that my love for Ayaan is genuine, and he respects that.

“Ayaan and I have been through a lot, and we have come out stronger. I believe in us, in our love. I want to be with him, and I want you to be a part of our happiness. I assure you that Ayaan will stick to his words. Please give me your blessings.”

Dad may be angry right now, but deep down, I know he’s still the loving father I’ve always known. Moreover, I hope I have made him understand that this is an opportunity we can’t afford to let slip away. He eventually sighs and nods, giving in to my plea.

“Alright, Meher,” he says, his tone still stern. “I won’t sign the papers. You have my blessings in whatever decision you have taken regarding Ayaan. But don’t expect me to be civil with him or his father. It will never happen.”

I feel a sense of relief, knowing I’ve managed to stop Dad from making a huge mistake. His agreeing to my marriage with Ayaan is the first step. There’s still a long way to go, and I know it won’t be easy, but at least we’re on the right track. I hug him tightly, thanking him silently for trusting me and giving me his blessings to start a life with Ayaan –my King.



Dad is finally discharged from the hospital, and the entire state is rejoicing in his recovery. Social activists from all over are celebrating, grateful to see him back on his feet. To express our gratitude for this miracle, we’ve organised food donations at different locations in the city this week for the less fortunate. Dad’s team of social workers are coordinating these events, all of them eagerly awaiting the day Dad can resume his work and make a difference in people’s lives once again.

As we reach home, I and Bhaskar uncle help Dad settle in his room. It’s been a week since I last met Meher at the Josh pub and a week since she agreed to marry me. With Dad back home, my main goal is to arrange for the promised press conference and withdraw all the allegations against her father, Pratap Walia.

Krish enters the room, wheeling his trolley bags, ready to leave. Dad is startled to see him dressed to go somewhere.
