Page 75 of The Maze

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Dad lets out a weary sigh, knowing that we won’t back down. Despite our refusal, I know he won’t be able to stay away from the wedding preparations. I am his only son, and he wants to be involved in every aspect of the preparations and see me get married to the woman I love.

Leaving Dad with Bhaskar uncle, I leave the room with Krish. I am relieved that Dad is home where he belongs. I was worried about his health, but seeing him on his path to recovery is reassuring.

“I’m sorry, Ayaan, for blurting out the abduction incident,” Krish says, feeling guilty.

“It’s alright, Krish. It was bound to come out sooner or later. I can’t keep anything from Dad, and I was contemplating how to tell him about it myself. So, it’s fine,” I reply, trying to ease his guilt.

Krish sighs in relief and glances at his watch. “I should head to the airport now. I’ll keep you informed about everything,” he says.

He gives me a reassuring hug. I appreciate his support.

“One more thing,” I say, remembering something. “Now that Meher is going to be my wife, I want her to have the highest security protection. After all, she will be a Shergill now, and her safety is my top priority. I know you’ll make sure of that.”

Krish grins at the prospect of this new assignment.

“So, no more Vishnu around her?” he teases.

I shrug. “No offence to Vishnu, but he has done his part. Now, my Queen is not Rook’s responsibility, but the King’s. Put your best people on the job for her henceforth.”

“Got you, Sir,” Krish salutes me and pats my arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll assign the finest team to protect your Queen. And not just her, but everyone in this kingdom. Happy?”

I hug Krish tightly, feeling grateful for his commitment and friendship. We talk some more, and I see him off to his car, waiting outside to drive him to the airport. I’m going to miss him!

After saying goodbye, I get back inside when my phone rings. I am surprised to see Pratap Walia’s name on the caller ID. Curious, I answer the call.

“To what do I owe my father-in-law’s call today?” I mock.

His voice is filled with indignation as he replies, “I’m not your father-in-law yet.”

I chuckle, knowing my words will get under his skin.

“Even when you will be, it won’t change our equation,” I mock again, enjoying the verbal sparring with Pratap Walia. “You know, as they say, in the game of chess, two kings may try to get closer to each other, but that’s only because they are vying for supremacy. No matter what, they will always be on the opposite sides of the spectrum.”

“If it weren’t for Meher, we would never be standing together ever,” he replies, frustration evident in his tone.

“Don’t get Meher into this,” I retort, not wanting to involve her in our rivalry anymore. “You have agreed to this deal foryourbenefit, not because she loves me. Anyways, let’s not get into that because it only makes me hate you more.”

“Your hatred doesn’t bother me,” he snaps.

Very true!

“What’s the purpose of this call?” I ask, getting to the point.

“I have a few key things to discuss before you hold that press conference. Since meeting you personally is not something I would like to do, I decided to speak to you on the call.”

“It’s a good thing you didn’t want to meet outside. I wouldn’t have accepted your invitation either. Anyways, what do you want to discuss?”

I know he must have curled his fist at my remark. Our interactions are always filled with tension and sharp words, but I can’t deny the satisfaction I feel in riling him. After all, he’s the one who started this game, and now I’m determined to play it better than he ever could. I make myself comfortable on the couch, prepared to hear what Pratap Walia has in mind.

“My car is still in your custody,” he begins. “I want it back before the press conference.”

“Not happening,” I instantly reply. “It’s a prime piece of evidence in a crime. I’ll definitely not let it fall into the hands of the guilty. Never.”

“Unfortunately for you, your father doesn’t think I’m guilty. And that is enough for me to get my vehicle back in whatever condition it is now,” he demands. “Along with every investigation report that your team must have conducted to prove it was the one used in your father’s accident. I need all of that too.”

My jaw hardens as I hold the phone tightly, pressing it to my ear.

“Fine,” I mutter, not giving in to his demands so easily.
