Page 81 of The Maze

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“Dad, what’s so urgent that you had to leave home? You know you’re recuperating, and after the accident, I don’t want you to go alone anywhere. I don’t want you vulnerable out there.”

“Ayaan, don’t worry unnecessarily. I’ll be back in an hour. I’ll inform you if something important comes up.”

Dad’s response carries a hint of annoyance.

What the hell! Of course, I am going to worry.

“Text me your location. I’m coming. I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

He prevaricates, “Ayaan, some pressing matter needs my attention. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Finish your outfit trial. I’ll be home in an hour or two.”

My frustration intensifies as he continues.

“I appreciate your concern, but I’m your father, not the other way around. Remember that. You don’t need to come anywhere. I’ll be back soon.”

Dad’s stern tone brooks no argument.

“Fine, but be back in an hour, or I’m coming to get you. I mean it.”

“I’m tired of this constant surveillance. I know what I’m doing. Just finish with your stuff, and I’ll see you at home,” he retorts.

Despite his dismissive tone, I’m not convinced.

“I want you back in an hour, Dad. Or I’ll track you down and drag you back myself.”

He mutters a half-hearted response, “I’ll see you soon. Bye.”

I disconnect the call, feeling unsettled. I immediately contact my source, Krish’s best spy, who I had assigned to discreetly tail my father. I instruct him to ensure Dad’s safety and to remain inconspicuous. He assures me of the same before I end the call.

When I look up again, I see Vishnu marching out of the men’s trial room, engrossed in his phone, his expression tense as if he’s just received some urgent message. My curiosity piques as I watch him, my instincts telling me that something is going on behind the scenes. And then, his next move confirms it.

Vishnu walks to where Devika is waiting, and they engage in a hushed conversation. I strain my ears to catch their words, but their voices are feeble. Devika’s nod and Vishnu’s determined expression speak volumes. Their hushed conversation is barely audible, but I catch the words “I’ve got to go” and “The security will drop you and Meher home.” Devika seems to agree with whatever he’s saying, trusting him fully.

Where the hell is he leaving? It’s evident that whatever has come up is more pressing than Meher’s security. My mind races with questions. What could possibly be more important than Meher’s safety, especially with the wedding so close?

I watch him step out of the boutique, the urgency in his movements mirroring the tension building within me. He gives brief instructions to his guards outside to ensure Meher and Devika’s safety, then he checks his watch as if time is of the essence.

The mysterious nature of his actions puzzle me. Though one of the guards opens his car door for him, he refuses him with a nod and closes the door back. Then, he tells them something before walking towards the gates. Why isn’t he taking one of the available Walia cars? Where is he going? My mind races through possibilities, each more unsettling than the last.

My gut feeling tells me that there is more to this than what meets the eye. Vishnu has always been the silent, strategic player in our ongoing chess game—a Rook who moves with calculated intent. His actions are never without purpose, and the way he’s playing his part right now suggests a high-stakes move.

My heart races with trepidation as he walks toward the exit and disappears through the gate, leaving behind a trail of questions and uncertainty.

My mind is whirling with curiosity, suspicion and a deep-rooted feeling that something significant is about to unfold—a move that could alter the course of the game we’re all playing. Or maybe I’m just overthinking!

Just as I look back inside, I see Meher emerging from the trial room, a radiant smile on her face. Her joy is infectious, and suddenly all my concerns fade away for the time being. The tension that had enveloped me starts to dissipate, and I’m drawn to her like a magnet, making my life seem exciting once again.

In the dim evening light, the bat symbol on his jacket shines as he stands watchful amidst the bustling Mumbai streets. His keen eyes scan the surroundings as if searching for something out of the ordinary.

His hawk-like gaze narrows as Vishnu walks out from Simran’s upscale boutique. He watches as Vishnu slips his hand into his pocket and removes a phone. His fingers tap across the screen, typing something, as his gaze flickers around, as though ensuring his actions go unnoticed. A white sedan materialises from nowhere, and Vishnu walks toward it, his movements confident as he hits some buttons on his phone before sliding it back into his pocket. He gets in the car and drives away, the engine’s purr growing fainter as the sedan disappears from the scene.

The moment the car leaves, a notification buzzes on the man’s phone. His gloved hand removes the phone from his suit jacket, his fingers sliding over the keypad to unlock it. The screen lights up, revealing a message with a precise address written on it.

‘Kailash Shergill has left. 32, Antop Hill, B.M. Road.’

His lips curl into a wicked smile as he swiftly types back a response.

‘On my way.’
