Page 6 of I'll Be Waiting

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We were silent as Ethan turned onto Tobacco Road. I had my address in my phone GPS, so I didn’t have to tell him where to turn. Wasn’t sure if I could remember when all I could think about was Ethan touching me. Claiming me as he’d promised he would do so many times.

But how the fuck was I supposed to bring that up to him? We would have to stop at a store. I didn’t know what size condoms he needed. And I didn’t have lube at home.

“Something is on your mind,” Ethan spoke up, looking over at me. “Want to talk about it?”

I swallowed thickly, hating that my hands were growing clammy again. “I want you to take my virginity,” I blurted before I lost my nerve.

Ethan suddenly jerked the car, choking on air, and a car beside us honked, making me jump in my seat. He blew out a soft breath, tightening his grip on the steering wheel as he swung the car back into our lane. “Fuck,” he finally breathed. He glanced at me before focusing back on the road. “You sure that’s what you want, baby?”

I nodded. “I’m sure,” I croaked.

He hit the indicator to merge into the right lane, and then a minute later, he turned into a gas station. Reaching over, he patted my knee, and my cock jumped in my pants, aching for him.

“Sit tight,” he ordered.

With that, he pushed the door open and got out of the car before going into the store. I watched him through the store windows as he talked to the guy working the register. A minute later, Ethan was handed a bag and was on his way back to the car.

“One more time,” he rasped once we were back on the road. I hadn’t had the nerve to look in the bag yet to see what he’d bought. “This is what you want?”

“Yes.” I looked over at him, licking my suddenly dry lips. “I want you, Ethan.”

He nodded once and pressed his foot a little firmer to the gas pedal.



Draven’s hand was shaky as he unlocked his front door. I’d quell his nerves in just a moment—just as soon as we were inside with the door shut behind us so we didn’t give his neighbors a show.

The inside of his house was minimal. The only furniture he had were the bare basics—a couch, a TV he had mounted on the wall, and an end table beside the couch. The walls were bare apart from a couple of pictures of him, Cameron, and Jayden. No doubt, one of his friends had hung them up for him.

“Where’s your room?” I asked, turning my hazel eyes to his dark ones once we were inside. The plastic bag from the convenience store rattled as I swung the front door shut, blindly reaching behind me to flip the lock.

Draven began to lead the way, his boots thumping across the tile floor until he reached the carpet of his bedroom. This room was minimal, too—a full-size bed, a dresser, and a folding table he seemed to be using as a nightstand. An old lamp sat on the folding table, and it was turned on, providing limited, golden light to the room that would otherwise be darkened due to the blackout curtains he had hanging over the window.

“Come here,” I murmured, reaching out and grasping his hip. I tugged him toward me and lowered my head, sucking his bottom lip into my mouth. The moan he awarded me with was fucking sinful. Growling, I deepened the kiss, plunging my tongue into his warm, wet mouth, my fingers grasping the hem of his shirt. I needed it gone. Needed to feel his skin on mine.

“Ethan…” he groaned when my knuckles skimmed his ribcage as I slowly pulled his shirt up.

“Yes, baby?” I growled, pulling back enough to tug his shirt over his head. I ran my eyes over him, my fingertips tracing over the outline of his ribs. He needed to put on a little bit of weight, and I would have no issue making sure he did just that.

I was here now. I could take care of him. Just as I promised.

“Aches,” Draven groaned.

I backed him up to the bed, and he took a seat on the edge of the mattress. I dropped to one knee between his spread thighs before undoing the buckles on each of his boots so I could tug them off. And fuck, the way he looked at me, like me being on my knees, doing something like this meant the world to him, fucking rocked me to my core.

This boy had no idea what kind of power he had over me. I was all his. One hundred percent. Draven McMahonownedme.

“I know it aches, boy. Fuck, I’m aching, too.” I pressed a kiss to his pants-covered knee as I tugged his left boot off and tossed it aside, the buckles clacking as I did so. I grabbed his other boot, pressing a kiss to that knee as well. “I’m going to take care of you. I promise.”

Standing to my full height again, I unfastened my uniform jacket and tossed it to the floor before yanking my shirt over my head. Draven’s breath hitched in his throat, and he licked his lips. I stepped between his thighs and grabbed his hands, placing them on my chest.

“Fuck,” he rasped, his hands roaming over my torso. I shivered, my cock weeping precum. God, having him touch me feltincredible. Better than anything I’d ever felt in my life.

“I’m all yours,” I promised before I leaned down and kissed him again, my fingers threading into his black strands. He moaned and nipped at my bottom lip. I groaned into his sweet mouth, parting my lips for him. A chill raced down my spine when his tongue touched mine for a moment. Then, he grew bolder, arching to press our bodies together, lashing his tongue against mine this time until I responded, quickly taking back over.

I unsnapped the button on his cargo pants and tugged down the zipper before curling my fingers into the waistband of his briefs. He shivered when the backs of my fingers came into contact with his skin, and when he nodded his head, I tugged them down, the chains clanging and jingling together when they hit the floor.
