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I feel lighter and a little giddy for some reason.

Suck on that, Jacob. My body is mine not yours, and if I want to orgasm I will. I smile to myself as I say that in my head, that is until I almost trip over my own feet as I stop in my tracks and see Jacob standing at the door with a slight grin and his head cocked to the side.

He must have showered and changed because he has on black pants and a black top making him somehow look even sexier. If that’s even possible.

“Enjoy yourself, did you?” he asks all-knowing.

The door closes behind him and he stands there with his arms folded over his chest as his eyes stare into mine.

“I don’t know what you mean?” I play innocent like I haven’t just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

“You're a terrible liar, Savannah.” He tsks as he walks further into the room, etching closer and closer to me where I stand frozen in the middle of the room. He stops next to me and cups my cheek in his hand. It's so big it wraps around my face and his fingers touch the back of my neck.

He looks down at me, and I think he’s going to say something or maybe kiss me because his lips are so close to mine, but he yanks on my hair, pulling my head back so my neck is exposed. I yelp as he tugs harder, my neck strains as he holds me to him with his other hand.

“I told you to keep your hands away from what’s mine.” He yanks my head back again, and I close my eyes from the pain. My hand grips his as he pulls my hair between his fist.

“Open your eyes?” he screams, and I obey him without a second thought. This is a different man to the one that was in here before. Yeah, that guy was dark, but this guy, he’s all kinds of evil, I can feel it. The way he stares into me like I am nothing but a piece of meat he wants to devour.

“You think I’m playing, little girl?” He demands an answer from me.

“N-no,” I stutter.

“You think I said that so you could fucking touch yourself as soon as I left?”

I stare at him wide-eyed and in shock.

“There are cameras everywhere,” he says in a way of explanation.

What? He’s an asshole.

“Now I’m going to enjoy punishing you.” He yanks me along by my hair, and I scream out as he does. I trip over my feet at one stage and fall to my knees on the floor.

“Up.” Jacob hisses and throws me on the bed. I land with a thud and turn toward him as he grabs the chain hanging by the bed, grips my arm, and tugs hard. I cry out when I feel a pull in my shoulder.

“Ow, stop,” I tell him, but he’s tuned me out or doesn’t give a shit that he’s hurting me.

My left arm is back in the chains, and he leans over me and reaches for my right.

I try with everything I have to keep my arm locked, but he straddles me and he’s so much stronger than me without even trying that he rips it up to chain it like the other one. Both my arms dangle as he pulls on something to lift them above my head.

“This is your punishment, two days like this or until I think you’ve learned your lesson.”

What! At this angle my shoulders will be screaming at me in pain in a couple of hours, let alone two or more days.

“Please, I won’t do it again, just let me down.” Jacob turns to leave me. I try to move forward, but the chains force me back and I cry out as it pulls on my shoulders. My head leans down toward my chest as I wince from the pain.

“What if I need to pee?” I scream out in frustration.

“The less you move, the less pain you’ll be in after,” Jacob says as a matter of fact. He walks out, ignoring my question completely, and leaving me screaming and cursing him out. I’m chained up like an animal and uncertain if I will die from the pain after two days or if he’ll take pity on me and let me down. I’m in a sitting position, and I can't even lay back on the bed. My back is straight, and I can already feel the ache in the lower part. “I just want to go home.” I sob and the tears fall down my cheeks as I let everything out.

I really am going to die here. I won’t stop defying him. I won’t stop trying to get free. I thought I was falling for him because some crazy part of me thought he was somewhat human. But after this, I know I will hate him with every fiber of my being.

Jacob is an evil man, and maybe he hasn’t even shown me his true colors just yet.

I couldn’t believeshe defied me like that. I was surprised I held back from what I really wanted to do, she got off easy.

All I could picture as I chained her arms was taking her from behind and deflowering that sweet forbidden hole that I have pictured time and time again as my cock sank deep inside.
