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“It was someone who deserved it, just like your old man, but his blood will spill.”

I almost sigh knowing my father is still alive.

“Time will tell all things, princess, and trust me, you don’t want to know what I have planned for him.”

The evil smirk on his face tells me he’s utterly fucking mad. This man is pure evil and even if he shows me a little human compassion, I know my father will not see the same fate. For whatever reason, Jacob plans on murdering my father, and I know once he does, he’ll have no more use for me. I’ll be useless, I need to get the hell out of here. I need to catch him at a time he least suspects it.

Only thing is, will he spill my blood in the process. Jacob has lost his damn mind if he thinks I plan on going down without a fight. He may have taken everything from me, but he will never take my soul. I’ll burn in hell before I let him have that.

I’m no stranger to evil. I've seen my share of evil-looking men, but Jacob is on a whole new level, and the way he’s eyeing me right now, tells me he’s nowhere near done with me. The only thing I’m scared of is what he plans on doing and whether I will survive.

“I hate you.” It comes out gurgled, but I hit his chest trying to break his hold on me as a tear streams down my cheek.

“Hate me all you want, but you’re not leaving.” He drops me, and I land on the bed. My hands grab my throat as I gasp for air. I peek up at him as he stands over me. He grips my hair and yanks me up so I’m forced to look at him.

“You think I’ll get tired of you, kitten, but I won’t. You’re my new toy and trust me, I plan on getting my fill. Until you're battered and broken and no good to anyone other than me.”

He slams my head down and it connects with the bed. I cry out as he forces my face into the mattress, his fingers gripping my neck so he’s strangling me while he’s suffocating me. The dizziness takes over and I watch in a blurry state as Jacob walks out.

It’s beentwo days since I touched her and I need my fill. My cock is aching for her, the tightness of her sweet pussy that’s all mine calls to me like a siren’s song.

I’ve been too busy watching her father to play with my little toy, but the time will come where I’ll make her beg for my cock.

She’ll never admit it, not even to herself, but the way I took her made her so fucking wet she creamed all over my cock before she even climaxed. She loves it rough, and she hates that I make her want it. Maybe it’s some fantasy she has thought about, but never let herself think of the reality, but my little kitten enjoys it rough and hard. I want to drive her delirious with pleasure but keep her on the edge just enough that she’s begging for more. I want my cock to be the only one that she craves.

I lay out my plans, my cock screaming out for me to hurry the fuck up. But as much as I need and want my fill of Savannah, I need to take care of something else first.

Her father has a shipment coming in tonight. Just a few million dollars’ worth of heroin. I plan on torching it and killing all his men to make a statement. I also plan on leaving him a little token of my appreciation for letting me have his little girl.

The one he planned on marrying off to one of his men’s sons as a gift for his lifelong companionship. The only deal was she was to remain a virgin. I almost laugh out loud to myself as I remember how sweet it was to take it as my own.

He’ll never accept her after I finish with her. It's almost sad, but once I’m done no other man will ever want her. Not after all she craves is me.

I go over my plan one more time, pull out my weapons, and lay them all out over the table. Making sure they are all fully loaded and I have extra clips. My knife that I carry at all times goes into my belt. It'll give great joy when I put that through Paquale’s throat.

I plan on letting him die slowly and watching his blood drip as he takes his last breath.

I take one last look at my little kitten. She's asleep on the bed. I've left food and water for her. I doubt she’ll drink or eat while I’m gone after I drugged her the other day. I hadn’t planned on it, it just happened.

I head out making sure all the alarms are set and the house is left in darkness.

* * *

I drive out to the storage unit where the drugs have been kept. Months of planning are finally about to go into action. I'll draw him out slowly and make him come just where I want him.

I turn my lights off and stop up the road. I'll walk the rest of the way so as not to draw attention to myself. Tonight the eight guards walk around the lot as they chat through their walkie talkies.

I hear one say, “Nothing but crickets here tonight.”

I grin and pull my knife out ready to take him and his friend out.

They don’t even get a chance to see me before I slit their throats and stab them in the head for good measure. They fall to the ground swiftly and quickly. Two down, six more to go.

I quietly round the lot where two more walk back and forth between each other chatting away about some chick they shared last night and how she blew their minds.

I almost feel sorry for the poor girl that had to endure that.

I sneak up to the first guy and snap his neck. The other guy sees me and lifts his gun, aiming it straight at me. He doesn't even get a shot off before I punch him in the face and he goes down. I stand over top of him and stab him multiple times in the chest. His blood sprays up and covers me.
