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I’m breathing heavily as I stand over him, his eyes stare up at me vacant and lifeless.

I clean my knife off on him and keep moving.

I hear the others coming. Fuck, maybe I wasn’t as quite as I thought.

I lift my gun out from my back and as the first two run toward me with their weapons drawn, I pop a bullet between each of their eyes. They drop to the ground with a thud as the last two yell at me to drop my weapon.

I lift my hands as if I’m going to surrender just as one lifts his gun and aims it at my chest. I fire and aim for him. Two bullets hit his chest before he even blinks. The last guy fires but is shit scared and his aim is way off. I chuckle at him and shoot his leg. He screams like a little bitch as he drops to the ground. I pop a bullet between his eyes and watch as he falls to the ground to join his buddies.

I get the matches and gas from my pocket and head for the containers. The small holes are big enough for me to drop a match in and the small jar of flammable gas, and as I do each one, the flames burn and burn all Pasquale's profit. Five containers full of heroin up in flames and I whistle as I see the dollar signs burn.

I head back to my car before it’s noticed and more men come, not that I couldn’t take them, I fucking could because I’m the best for a reason. I’m like the fucking boogeyman. I’ll hide until I let your life slip between my hands and I’ll never go down without one hell of a fight.

I head back covered in blood yet again. I’m sure my little kitten will assume it’s her father’s again.

* * *

I watch her as she sleeps. If she’s stirred, she doesn’t show it. When I strangled her and forced her face into the mattress earlier, I knew she would lose consciousness. What I hadn’t planned on was that torn feeling I had when she fell to the ground. Part of me was glad she was quiet for two fucking seconds, the other hated that I even touched her that way.

But I knew I had to lock that feeling down. There was no time to feel anything, not even a small amount. She would never change me, never make me feel anything for her that wasn’t distaste or hatred.

Her collar sits proudly around her neck. I’d forgotten I put it there. I’m almost hoping she disobeys me some more so I can show her just what that collar does.

She mumbles as she rolls over. My cock hardens as the sheet falls revealing her naked chest.


I swallow as I adjust myself.

I decide right now isn’t the time to slip inside her as much as my cock protests with me as I slip outside the room and lock it behind me. I smile to myself as I think I might leave it unlocked one day soon and see what she does. I know she checks it every day, maybe we can have some fun if she tries to run again.

I decide to try to get some sleep even though I know once I close my eyes, all I'll see is them, and all bets will be off.

I wake with a start as I see my wife lying in a pool of her own blood. My breathing is erratic, and I wipe my hand over my eyes to wake myself up. I must have dozed off. My heart is racing as the image finally evaporates before my eyes.

I run my hand over my eyes and through my hair. I sniff as I let out a breath. I turn my head toward the nightstand where I keep their photo. The last photo we had as a family and I sit with my back against the headboard and run my fingers over their faces. I smile at the cheesy grin my little girl has and even hear a chuckle escape as I think back to that day.

“Baby, remember to smile big,” I tell Emmy.

“Yes, Daddy. I remember,” she sasses me as she rolls her eyes. I shake my head at the one person who has captivated me more than her mother.

She smiles big as Grace fusses over her dress.

“Baby, leave her. You know she’ll only be in it for the photos and as soon as she can she’ll strip out of it.” I place a tender kiss on Grace’s head as she does, she stresses over the smallest things. Sometimes, it’s a good thing, but today we need to take this photo because we have somewhere to be. My mother is dying slowly. Cancer is taking her away and the only thing that brings any joy to her now is Emmy. As soon as she sees my daughter her face lights up. Dad is worried she doesn’t have much time left.

It’s one thing we can agree on.

“Okay, baby, you ready?” Grace asks Emmy.

“Yeah, I'm ready,” she says as she wraps her arms around my neck and smiles her biggest smile.

Once Grace is happy with the few photos that have been taken, Emmy is out of my arms and already stripping out of her dress.

Grace just shakes her head and yells at Emmy to not drop her good dress on the floor.

“I swear she is more you than me.”

I kiss her behind the ear and take a little nibble.
