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I roll my eyes, pissed at him for being a complete ass and maybe even the devil.

“Tampons okay, asshole,” I shout. He has the cheek to laugh and not just a chuckle, out loud like he finds this hilarious.

I glare at him. Maybe I’ll use that thing on him, see if he likes it.

“Are you telling me I just punished you for not answering me when all you wanted was tampons?” I have never seen or heard Jacob laugh like this since he took me, maybe he has a decent side after all. Maybe he isn’t all dark. I mean, something had to make him this way, right? Could I find out what it was?

“I was embarrassed, okay,” I spit and cross my arms over my chest.

“Why? It’s a reasonably normal part of life,” he says as if I don’t know that.

“My body is not up for discussion,” I murmur.

“Oh, but it is, Savannah, because your body belongs to me, every part of you, everything your body does is mine.”

“I was a virgin when you took what definitely wasn’t yours to take,” I cry out at him. If he even cares he doesn't show it.

“I told you it was all mine, Savannah, everything. What did you think I meant?”

“I- I don’t know.” I truly didn’t want to believe what he meant, but after today, I know he plans on making me his in every way possible. That's what he meant by he’d take me in the most intimate place.

“Why?” I need to know. I feel the tears burning the corner of my eyes again.

“Because I can.” He stands not looking at me.

“Please.” I reach for his arm, and he stops and stares down at the contact.

“I just want to know why you chose me. What did my father do that was so bad you decided to torture me and make me into some sex slave just for fun.” I’m crying now but I don’t care.

Jacob pries my fingers off his arm and goes to walk off. I leap from the bed and slam my fists into his back. He turns, grabbing my wrists, and holding my hands above my head as he forces me to a wall and slams me into it, making my head thud against it as he does.

“He killed my wife and daughter in cold blood and made me watch as he and his men raped my wife and then took them both from me.” Jacob’s voice is cold and bitter as his eyes darken and it takes everything in me not to challenge him.

“You’d do well to remember to do as you're told, or you may just see the same fate, princess.”

Jacob shoves off me and then leaves me in a heap on the floor as he exits the room. I cry on my knees as my mind goes over what he said on a loop.

There is no way my father did those things he said.

A little girl, really? I’m payment for their lives.

I clearly had no idea what or who my father really was, but a murder?

Can it really be true or is Jacob feeding me lies to turn me against my father?

I wish I had the truth. I wish I knew how Jacob knew about me. No one does, my father kept me hidden, locked away like a princess in a tower.

The realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

“Oh my god.”


He’s telling the truth.

I’ve been watchinghim for hours. He’s drunk enough that he should need to excuse himself soon, and as if on cue he stands, and makes his way toward the bathrooms.

I follow him, twisting my knife between my fingers, the urge to gut him itching under my skin. I want him to suffer, like she did.
