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The tension builds as I stalk him, he’s completely unaware, oblivious to anything but himself as he pushes the bathroom door open and it bangs against the wall.

Holding it ajar just enough, I watch as he takes a leak. The bathroom is empty besides him and I walk in after him, closing the door and locking it behind me.

He’s so drunk he doesn’t notice me. Gripping my knife, I step behind him. He startles when my arm goes around his neck while the knife sits just below his ear.

“Hello old friend.” I grunt.

“J-Jacob,” he stammers, frozen in fear as I move my knife along his neck.

“P-please,” he cries.

Staring through him, I bring the blade back to the start of his ear and with one solid movement slice his throat open. He drops to his knees and begins to gurgle, holding his throat as he coughs up blood. I watch as he struggles for air, choking on his blood.

His entire body drops with a thud, and he lays in a pool of blood as he takes his last breath.

“Two down,” I murmur. Cleaning my knife on his jacket, I take one last look at Nigel, and walk out the through door I came in leaving him for someone to find.

It’s late by the time I get back to the cabin, but sleep is futile.

The monster inside me is awake, the need to hurt Savannah and watch her bleed is like a drug I can’t stop.

Heading inside, I make sure to lock and bolt the door, then enter the security room to watch Savannah. She’s sound asleep on the bed, her body so lifeless. A pang of something fills me at the thought of her body being that way, the reality more than I can bear, but I brush it off ignoring it all.

She’s still mine.

Her body will always belong to me, nobody else will ever get to taste her, bend her to their will. Not like I have.

She succumbed to me just like I knew she would. My little kitten may hate me but nothing will change that she will always belong to me.

Knowing her father has no fucking clue where to even begin looking for her I still have time, I still get to enjoy my little kitten. I should show her mercy. I'm sure soon enough she’ll be begging for it.

I have two left. Two men to kill before I end Pasquale Demetruis.

It was a mistake, telling her what her father did, I knew I shouldn’t have let my anger overcome me and force the words to spill out.

Savannah has a way of making my emotions wreak havoc over me, but I know I need to control them.

Because if I don’t, I’ll never get my revenge, and everything will be for nothing.

I’m going to end Pasquale but not before I end his daughter.

I couldn’t believeit had taken me this long to figure it out. God, how could I be so stupid? So naive?

I had seen a few of my father's men over the years. I may have been locked away in his mansion, but occasionally he’d let me wander the grounds or help in the kitchen.

Not that he ever told me why there were so many men always around our house, but being the good daughter I was, I never questioned him. Perhaps I should have asked more questions about what my father did. Did he keep me in the dark to protect me or simply because he thought I wouldn’t be able to handle it. He always said how emotional I was. But I wasn’t as fragile as my father thought.

Or was I? I sure felt fragile around Jacob. He made me feel so small, almost childlike whenever he was around.

I bite my lip as my fingers drift to the collar around my neck. It's become a habit to touch it. I know unless he takes it off it’s a part of me now, but knowing Jacob worked for my father changes everything.

The way he made me feel, felt wrong but so right. God, it felt so right. How long had I been here with him? I was losing my mind, right? I mean, who feels things for their captor? Let alone a guy who took what didn’t belong to him.

I pace around the room for what feels like hours, trying to loosen the collar or at least break it, but I fail every time.

It feels weird knowing Jacob is privy to information I have no clue about. He knows me in ways I probably don’t want him to. Has he been following me? I gnaw on my lip when suddenly the locks click. I run for the knife I hid the other day. It may not be a huge threat against him, but I was damn sure willing to try anything for my freedom.

Jacob enters and watches as I sit on the bed, the knife hidden just under the pillow out of sight. My breath itches as he approaches, my heart skips a beat as he stands in front of me.
