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“Run, sinner, run far away.” I force myself to say it.

She smiles down at me and then she leans in, her lips catch mine and she kisses me with hunger that sends a jolt straight to my very hard cock. Her tongue wraps around mine and she moans. Fuck it sounds incredible.

I grip her, pulling her out of the bath to straddle my lap. She soaks my clothes but her pussy lands right on my erection and I hiss as she rubs herself over me.

We kiss with urgency, I deepen the kiss and grip her hair as I hold her head in place, taking what she's offering.

With a hungry growl, I move my hands over her spine, she feels so perfect in my arms the pressure of her rocking against me is pure fucking heaven.

She writhes over me as the little moans escape her and she pushes me over the edge.

I come hard in my pants as her pussy rubs over me, the whimpers that fall from her lips tell me she’s just done the same.

She rests her forehead on mine and for a few moments I let her, then what I’ve let happen slams into me like a train heading for a wall.

I shove her off me and stand, leaving her naked and confused on the bathroom floor.

I hear her footsteps as she follows. I need to get out of here, I need to. Fuck, I don’t know what I need, I just know I can’t be near her right now. My mind is fucked up and I know there is no way I’m catching feelings for this girl. No way will she replace Grace, not like that. I’m walking so fast through her room she practically runs to catch up to me.

“Wait. What’s wrong?” she questions as I open her door leaving it ajar as I walk out. I run my hands over my face, my fingers tugging at my hair as I pace the room. I swallow the massive lump in my throat as I see her stop and wait for me to calm down.

I’m so angry at myself for letting her take control and giving in like that. For kissing those fucking plush lips that I’ve wanted to taste from the moment I laid eyes on her.

I growl with each step I take. She stands there and watches me as I continue to pace. Either she is so afraid I will snap and then watch as her life slips away, or she actually cares enough to make sure I’m okay.

I start to mumble to myself about being a fucking idiot and not letting her get to me. I groan as I feel the wetness in my pants that she made happen.

I stop in the middle of the room and inhale some deep breaths. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Savannah moves toward me.

“Stop,” I hiss. I clench my teeth so hard I feel them crack. She does as she’s told and then I see her kneel. She places her hands in her lap and drops her head to her chest. She sits there gloriously naked and wet. My good little kitten.

My eyes drift to the pretty pink center that glistens with her arousal. I can see just enough of a glimpse to know she’s wet for me. The need to show her who’s in control charges me like a bull and I feel my legs carry me to her. Once I’ve stopped in front of her, I see her soft smile. The way her body reacts when I’m near is so evident on her skin as goosebumps break out. She can’t deny what I do to her, the way I make her feel. I lick my lips and pull down my pants. I need to take control and show her I’m in charge here, not her. The moment her lips wrap around me, my cock pushes down her throat. Even after I fuck her mouth to the point she has drool slipping down her chin, I know one thing is clear.

My cock fucking loves this woman.

I fucking told you,you’d pay.

My eyes flutter open, the words ringing in my head, pulling me from my slumber.

The voice grows louder, angrier.

Throwing the blanket off, I tip toe across the room, placing my ear against the door to listen.

“Everything I’ve done is because of you. If you hadn’t touched my girls, Savannah would be still be locked away in her fucking tower,” Jacob yells.

Pulling back slightly, his words cut deep, knowing I’m still nothing to him, nothing but revenge. I thought things had changed but I was an idiot. I've fallen in love with my captor, yet he doesn’t feel the same, not truly.

“I should end her, slit her pretty little throat,” he says. Knowing he’s speaking to my father, he’s saying these things to the man I thought did no wrong, who loved me unconditionally.

Would Jacob abide by his words? Would he end me?

I swallow, the feeling of glass being lodged in my throat makes me dry heave.

Falling back, I trip and land with a hard thud on the floor. Everything goes silent. My heart begins to pound when footsteps sound on the other side of the room. Jacob heard me, he knows I was listening.

The locks click loudly as he undoes the door, the sound echoing louder than normal.

With a bang, the door shudders open, making me whimper as Jacob moves toward me towering over me, a cold look boring his face, a glint of murder in his eyes.
