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“Seems you two have something in common. Maybe you can share a cell and rot in fucking Hell.”

He goes to walk away, annoyed by both of our presence, I'm sure.

“I think there’s something you should ask your father, myamico- friend,”I tell him.

“Where is my sister?” He comes face to face with me.

“Like I said, upstairs. Her and your wife are getting acquainted. Seems they have taken a liking to each other.” I smirk, knowing he’d like that they’re getting along.

“Call Ethan,” I request.

“He’s just left,” Brantley states.

“Second thoughts, get Lorenzo here, too.”

Brantley eyes Bishop with suspicion but makes both calls.

“On their way,” he says a few moments later, pocketing his phone.

Dexter leads both Ethan and Lorenzo downstairs minutes apart before retreating back upstairs to keep an eye on Callie and Savannah. The last thing any of us wants is for them to see or hear something they have no need to.

Lorenzo is shoved in a chair, looking toward my father who is tied, beaten, and bloody. He cocks his head to the side. You can see the sickness has taken its toll. I wouldn’t be surprised if his time was soon.

I know he’s been too sick to continue beingIl capo-the boss.

Brantley, like Bishop, has flourished in his role. It seems they take after their fathers more than they ever want to accept.

“What is this all about?” Lorenzo hurries us along as if he’s got somewhere more important to be. He coughs, trying to cover it as nothing, but we all know it’s more.

“Why don’t you tell them?” I insist.

Pasquale glares at me.

“Chiudi la bocca. Feccia Inutile-Shut up, useless scum.” Pasquale's Italian echoes across the room as he struggles to free his hand.

I get right up to his face and chuckle.

“You’re lucky I don’t slit your throat right now, old fucking man.”

“You weresenza valore-worthlessthen, Jacob, and even now I can look at you and see nothing has changed.”

Pasquale spits in my face. I snigger, wiping the spit from my cheek and he recoils. My fist lands on his jaw, knocking him over and onto his back.

“Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Ethan pleads.

“I didn’t sign up for this life, I have Luna and I have Madden. This ...” He waves his hand in our general direction. “Is not what I signed up for.”

Ethan goes to walk away, but I stop him with my hand on his shoulder.

“Trust me, Ethan, this is something you want to hear. As much as I know what it is, it needs to come from them.” I nod at their fathers.

I see the shared look they give each other. So they know whatever I know, and don’t want the others to know.

“Father?” Bishop folds his arms over his chest, waiting for him to speak.

He lets out a sigh.

“When I said your mother was aputtana-whore,it’s because she was.”
