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Bishop growls in warning.

“Bishop, your mother isn't who you thought she was, that's why I had to kill her, end her life before she took you down with her.”

I see it the moment it all clicks to Bishop, what he helped him do, what he did to his mother. Burying her may have put her at rest but at what price?

“You killed her”? he snaps.

Bishop goes to rush him, but I hold him back with my hand to his chest.

“Trust me, Bishop, you want to hear the rest,” I tell him.

“How the fuck do you know?” Lorenzo barks.

“Did a little digging, and to be honest, I didn’t believe it to start with because I thought there is no way they haven’t mentioned this to them before, but here I am, and you haven’t. They deserve to know,” I bark.

“It was best kept quiet, Jacob. You need to learn to not be such a snoop,” Lorenzo says.

“Wait, what do you want in return?” Brantley states.

“Jacob?” Bishop urges him.

Sighing, all eyes land on me.

“Fine. I know this will shock you and you will want to kill Pasquale even more, but I want to be the one to do it.”

“Do it?” The way Ethan’s voice quietens has Bishop agreeing with me.

“Fine, you can kill him, gut the pig for all I care. He had my wife kidnapped just to teach me a lesson.” Bishop snarls.

“Tell them,” I demand.

“Fine.” They both huff.

“Your mother isn't the sweet angel you thought she was. She claimed to be loyal, but she was far from it.”

The sneer in his voice has Bishop shaking his head.

“I fucked her twice.” Lorenzo snickers, looking pleased with himself.

“Shut your mouth,” Pasquale yells, glaring at him.

I guess he’s not over his wife betraying him.

“Blood is blood, remember, Bishop.” The way those words drip from Pasquale’s mouth, you can see the words sink deep as it clicks and Bishop realizes.

Brantley murmurs the words as if he’s heard them before.

“Will you stop with the fucking riddles,stronzi-assholes.Just tell us,” Bishop demands, losing his patience.

“You’re brothers,” he finally spits.


Lorenzo eyes them cautiously. Pasquale, however, sits with a delighted smile over his face.

“We’re—” Ethan can’t grasp the words.

He looks pale as he tries to find a seat. He staggers trying to breathe.
