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“Go ahead,” I inform her, waving her away. “See you tomorrow.”

She nods and says, “See you,” then leaves for good.

And I’m left alone again like always.

I go to the fridge and grab a can of soda. The drink is cold, and sweet, and quenches the thirst of my body — but I still don’t feel satisfied. I drink half of it in one gulp, and place the other half back in the fridge, then head upstairs to go help my baby with her homework.

Her door is open, and she is working so intently that I go in on tiptoes, so I don’t startle her. I find Anna busy with a drawing, furiously scribbling with her crayons. I can’t make out what it is yet from where I’m standing.

Finally, I get close enough to look over her shoulder, and see that her drawing is of a little family: daddy, mommy and child.

“Who are they, baby?”

“Oh!” she startles the same instant, but right after smiles and everything is okay. “It’s us, daddy!”

I kneel to be at the level of her desk, and take a close look at her art. “You know mommy is in heaven now, right?”

“I know, daddy,” Anna rolls her eyes. “This is not mommy!”

I raise an eyebrow, confused. “Then who is it? Mary?”

“No!” she shakes her head intensely, her pigtails flying, “It’s Joyce!”

I pause for a long moment, taking in the news.

“This is for homework, right?” I finally ask.

“Yes, daddy!” she goes back to drawing.

“And what was the homework?”

“To draw your family!” she says.

“And you consider Joyce family?” I ask, genuinely curious.

“U-huh!” she says with a nod. “She’s so funny!”

“Well,” I stand and kiss the top of her head, “Save a place for Mary there, or she will be sad.”

Anna looks at me, alarmed. “But family is just mommy and daddy.”

“No!” I shake my head, “Family is anyone who loves and supports you. Doesn’t Mary do that?”

“Um, I guess,” Anna says. “I’ll start over!”

“Good,” I smile. “Dinner will be ready soon, so finish quickly!”

“Okay, okay!” she waves me out.

I head to my suite to hop in the shower to wash away the day.

Joyce is still on my mind, now more than ever.

I knew Anna loved Joyce, but I didn’t realize how much until now.

Chapter Eleven

