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My phone immediately vibrates with Jane’s response.

Duh. Don’t you want to know updates on your daughter?

I sigh before responding back.

Fair,I admit defeat.

I move on to the next work subject — a chain of emails talking about a possible raise in commission percentage for all agents. I’m nearly done typing my response, when my phone buzzes yet again.

Unsurprisingly, it’s from Joyce.

Mr. Bardin, is this really you?

I haven’t heard from you, and I’m worried I am texting the wrong number!

I respond back quickly.

Yes, this is me, Joyce.

And then I get back to work.

I respond to the email saying that the subject is going to be debated with the board. If it was up to me solely as CEO, then it would already be a reality. I’m pretty sure the board will agree though.

I hit send on the email when more notifications from Joyce arrive.

Anna just went in with the dentist! She’s so brave!

Let me know when she comes out,I send Joyce.

How long will it take?Joyce asks.

Even though it’s only been a few minutes since they arrived, I can already read worry within her texts.

I text her back:

She’s getting two cavities filled. It should take less than an hour,but ask the receptionist.

I will!Her reply comes instantly.

I focus on what I need to do before lunchtime, when a new notification from Joyce comes.

What should I do if Anna is too out of it afterwards to walk?

I facepalm, hard. A sense of regret begins to gnaw at me, but I try to see things from Joyce’s point of view, and I think that she’s just nervous.

At least she cares.

Pick her up,I text,she’s not that heavy. But she’ll just have a numb mouth. I’m sure she can walk.

Her texts come back immediately.

Of course :PI’ll leave you alone for now.

Please,I text back.

Thankfully the notifications go silent, and I just scroll through my emails waiting for lunchtime.

I’m so lost in thought that I startle when Jake pokes his head into my office.
