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“And why is that?” she asks, curious, grinding the coffee beans for an espresso.

I sigh. None of it really bothers me, but I need an excuse. “She drew Joyce as her mom in her homework. It broke my heart…”

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Karen steeps the coffee over hot water, two small cups underneath it. “I know how difficult losing Andrea was for you.”

For the first time since Andrea passed away, I don’t feel a pang in my chest upon hearing her name, just a warm feeling from well lived memories and an undying love that will live in my past.

“It was, but I’ve been feeling better lately,” I say.

“Oh, some new love on the horizon?” Karen asks, bringing the cups to the table.

“Yeah, you can say that,” I’m blushing harder than I liked.

“Sugar?” She offers politely.

“Yes, please,” I say. “So, Joyce studied with my sister and came well recommended.”

“Yes, Albert told me you hired her on the spot! Ever since Ester started kindergarten, we’ve realized hiring a nanny was necessary, especially with my own work responsibilities increasing. It makes me relieved to know you’ve already worked with Joyce so closely.” Karen offers me the spoon for the sugar.

I sweeten my coffee, and while I do, I speak to Karen with curiosity, “What happened with your last nanny?”

“Ugh,” she groans, taking the spoon from me to sweeten her own coffee. “Let’s just say Albert got more excited than Esther about that nanny, so I decided to cancel everything.”

“Why?” I sip my coffee.

“Well, I’m not going to put a little gold digger inside my house, am I? Especially when I was worried that Albert may have taken a liking to her.”

I smile, but more out of politeness than anything else. In my opinion, nothing in this world is more childish than jealousy, and Jefferson seems to deal with plenty of it with his wife.

“This girl seems well-behaved, though,” Karen says, sipping her coffee. “Conservative clothes and hair, not overly pretty.”

I narrow my eyes immediately. How dare this woman insult Joyce like that?

“Well, I think she’s really pretty,” I say, serious.

“Well, I know she’s not Albert’s type,” she confides in me.

I finish the small cup of coffee and tilt my head towards the living room. I hear laughter from all three of them and let out a tiny smirk, satisfied with the results of our visit so far.

“Don’t you want to be there and see how Joyce is doing?” I suggest to Karen, my thumb pointing towards the living room.

“Eh, what’s the use?” Karen says in frustration. “Esther freezes in place when she’s around me, and she only really relaxes when Albert is around. Poor Joyce wouldn’t have a chance to show her skills with me there!”

“No, come on,” I say, trying to be kind, but instead I come across as bossy. “I bet she’ll open up with Joyce there. Let’s go.”

I stand and lay a friendly hand on her shoulder. At least I try to be friendly, but Karen’s face is impossible to read.

“You go along,” she pats my hand. “I’ll be there later.”

I nod to her, letting her have her way, then head back into the living room, where the trio is sitting on the floor. Jefferson is acting like a bigger child than his daughter as they all play with replicas of the puppets of the video Joyce showed to the little girl.

“There is a party going on and nobody invites me?” I say, pretending to be offended.

“There is still time!” Joyce says, sitting cross legged on the floor with a fox puppet in her right hand.

I wave a hand in front of me, “I’ll pass, just watching is entertaining enough.”

As I watch Esther open up to Joyce, I have no doubt that the Jefferson’s will hire Joyce.
