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Chapter Seventeen


There’sfiveofusaround the dinner table at our favorite Italian restaurant: Nonna’s Kitchen.

Emily, Kathy, Michelle, Jane and me. When the other four graduated last semester, it was here that we came to celebrate.

I’m glad they included me even though I didn’t graduate with them. Life happens, but it shouldn’t get in the way of friendship.

“And how are you feeling about the move to Tampa?” Emily asks, elbowing Michelle’s ribs.

“Excited so far, but I’m sure I’ll hate it when I’m there.” The group laughs along with her.

“Florida is so humid,” Jane says.

“I wouldn’t be able to live a day there. My hair would poof right up!” I say, shaking my head.

The girls fall into laughter again, and I feel happy to contribute to the conversation. Dinner was just an excuse to get together and get wasted. Our food sits cold on the plates, barely touched.

“I have a secret to tell you all!” Kathy reaches inside her purse. “Marshall popped the question!”

Everyone squeals in excitement, and she brings out of her purse a little black velvet box containing a ring with the biggest diamond I’ve ever seen. She puts it in her finger and shows it off around the table. Even though I find that gigantic rock ludicrous, I’m happy for her.

“Did you set the date?” Jane asks, looking delighted with the news.

“Not yet, but it’ll definitely be in the spring,” Kathy says, still holding her hand up.

“Oh! You could get married in Japan in a cherry blossom garden!” Emily suggests.

And immediately I feel bad. Kathy’s family is upper middle class. Her fiancée is loaded and got out of college earning 100k a year in his father’s company. For them, a trip to Japan is pocket change.

“I’m sure it would be wonderful. Too bad I’ll miss it!” I say it sassy enough to cause more laughter.

Except from Kathy, of course. She looks pouty and as if she can’t understand my words.

“What do you mean?” she asks, confused. “I thought you were going to be one of my bridesmaids!”

Embarrassed, I smile and tuck my hair behind my ears while looking away from her.

“I can’t afford a trip to Japan, Kathy!” I say, in an exaggerated funny tone that I hope will score a few laughs.

“Oh, Joyce, don’t be silly!” Kathy slaps my hand. “We know you can’t afford international travel for leisure, but I would bank you!”

“No!” I cry out. “It wouldn’t feel right.”

Jane wraps her arm around my shoulders and kisses me on the cheek.

“We can crowdfund your ticket. How about that?”

I shake my head firmly, and my twisted face generates a few laughs, which makes me feel a little better.

“And what are you up to, Emily?” I change the subject.

“Well,” Emily moves her arms in broad gestures. “I can’t find a job that suits me here, so I’m thinking of job hunting on the west coast.”

The whole table goes, “Oooh!” and Kathy holds her by the collar.

“But you are coming back for my wedding, right?” Kathy says, sounding desperate.

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