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I reach for the checkbook in my inner pocket. I was hoping I wouldn’t need it, but I’d brought it just in case. I write in a good sum, twice what would pay for a full semester, then slide the check towards Kunst, who looks at it with wide eyes.

“Would this amount suffice?” I ask, firm and polite.

Kunst nods, still looking at the check in his hand. “This will be perfect, Mr. Bardin. I will call Joyce right after we’re done here.”

“One caveat, though,” I raise a finger in the air. “Don’t say anything about me. You can say she got the scholarship because she’s an exemplary student, but don’t say I was involved. Understood?”

“Understood,” he blinks profusely. “Can I help you with anything else?”

I think for a second, but not coming up with anything, I just dismiss his question. “No, that’s it.”

“Let me walk you to the door,” he says, standing, a big smile on his face.

He does so and we shake hands again, this time in a permanent goodbye. I don’t plan on seeing him again, and he probably won’t be keeping further contact beyond emails informing me about periodic fundraisers.

As I leave the premises, I feel doubt weigh heavy on my shoulders and I hope I haven’t made a mistake.

I’m only assured I did the right thing when, on my way to work, Joyce calls me, completely ecstatic.

“Logan!” she squeals. “You won’t believe what just happened!”

From the corner of my mouth, I smile, knowing exactly what just happened.

“What happened, Joyce?” I say, the smile still in my voice.

“The college just called me, and I got a scholarship! Aah!” she screams, extremely happy.

“I’m so happy for you, love,” I say, only then realizing what I just called her. “That means you’ll be graduating still this year?”

“Yes! Thank goodness!” she says, but then her joyful tone is replaced by concern. “Logan, there’s something else I need to tell you…”

“Just say it,” I reply gently, arriving at work and parking my car in the parking garage.

“No, it needs to be in person.” Now I’m the one concerned. “Mrs. Jefferson gets off work early today, so I will get off early too. Can I stop by to see you at your office sometime today?”

“Of course,” I say, pocketing my keys and getting my briefcase. “I’ll be at work until six.”

“Alright,” I hear her smile, and it’s a lovely thing. “See you later then!”

“See ya,” I lock the car and start walking towards the office, my head lost in thought wondering what it is that she has to tell me.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Icandothis…I can do this…”

I keep on muttering the words under my breath, but I am still having a hard time believing them.

I arrive at Logan’s office just before lunchtime. I didn’t let him know I was on my way. A part of me is hoping he’s already out for lunch.

“Hi, I’m here to see Mr. Bardin,” I say to the woman behind the reception desk.

She gives me a small smile. “May I have your name?”

I tell her and she types for a few seconds on the computer, then nods, turning back to me. “He left a message saying he would be waiting for you and to send you up when you arrive. Can I see your ID?”

“Of course!” I fumble through my purse and find my driver’s license, handing it to her.
