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I just wish Joyce could be there.

Sure. Where?I text back.

We agree to meet at a local park that has a fishpond in an hour.

I go to wake up Anna, but she’s not in her bedroom. I notice there’s noise coming from downstairs, and I find her in the living room playing video games on her own.

“Good morning, daddy,” she says with nonchalance.

I put a hand on my hip and shake my head in amused disapproval. “You couldn’t think of asking for breakfast, but you could think of turning on the video game?”

“U-huh,” Anna replies, too concentrated on the game to give me the time of day.

After sitting by her side, I point upstairs and say as a gentle order, “Go get dressed. We’re visiting Aunt Jane.”

She looks disappointed, obviously hoping to play video games all day. I think Esther has something to with this increased interest in video games.

“You’re not turning into a hermit like your father. Now go get dressed!” I say, nudging her off the couch little by little. “Pause the game and let’s go!”

“I get to wear what I want?” Anna asks, now getting excited.

“Something appropriate for the park, please,” I say. “I trust you’ll choose the right thing.”

She accepts the vow of trust and then leaves for her room, while I stay behind to think about what to make for breakfast for her. Mary is off today. I can cook to keep myself alive, but my skills aren’t much better than that.

While I prepare her an omelet and a big bowl of cereal, Anna returns wearing her snow boots, a ballet dress, and a jeans jacket.

“This is how you want to go to the park?” I ask, dead serious. She simply presses her lips together and nods enthusiastically.

I sigh, “Okay. Here’s breakfast. Wash your hands first!”

As she eats, I leave to go get dressed, choosing a more discreet outfit: a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. When I get back to Anna, she’s playing her video game again.

“Come on, let’s go!” I clap to get her attention. She turns off the game and TV all on her own.

I turn off the lights, then head for the garage, where I choose the Mercedes to drive for the day. Asking me non-stop about Pip, Jane’s dog, I hand Anna my phone and tell her to call Jane and ask about the pup herself.

We arrive and head straight for the fishpond in the middle of the park, and there we find Jane. She’s sitting on a bench with her little yappy dog and her arms are wide open for her niece.

“Aunt Jane!” Anna says, ecstatic. “Are you going to fight with daddy today?”

The question breaks my heart, and judging by Jane’s face, breaks hers too. She runs her hand over Anna’s head and says with a sorrowful smile, “If your daddy stops being dumb, I won’t!”

Anna giggles at that response, then turns her attention to Pip. Jane then turns her attention to me, and as I sit down by her side, she puts an arm around my shoulders.

“How are you doing, bro?” she says, in a quiet voice I struggle to hear.

“I’m fine,” I shrug. “This is what you called me here for?”

“Ugh, Logan,rude!” Jane breaks apart from me, her mood souring already. Ignoring me for a moment, she speaks to Anna, “Hey, Anna! Wanna walk Pip?”

“Can I?” Anna’s blue eyes widen, bright as the sky.

“Sure!” Jane hands her the leash. “Stay where we can see you. Oh, if he poops, let me know. I have bags!”

“Okay!” Anna listens and nods seriously, fully ready to take on the responsibility. Then she dashes out running with the very excited dog in tow.

Jane and I sit in silence for a long while, watching Anna run around playing with Pip and even barking with him at strangers that walk by.
