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“You’re still seeing her, right?” Jane finally breaks the silence with a question that hit me like a punch to the gut.

“Yup,” I answer tersely, my gaze fixed on Anna instead of Jane. “Strong and steady.”

Jane rests her elbows over her knees, burying her face in her hands. She lets out an audible sigh that makes me roll my eyes with impatience.

“Logan, can’t you see she’s using you?” she asks, heavy and dispirited.

It’s my turn to sigh, but I close my eyes and do so silently. I then turn and meet her gaze, and she looks like a deflated balloon.

“Every woman in your life just used you, Logan,” Jane continues, which makes me raise an eyebrow.

“Even Andrea?” I ask, skepticism creeping into my voice.

“Even her,” she says, unflinching. “She captured your heart then left for good, leaving you forever! Logan, I hated seeing you that way.”

“Whoa!” I recoil at Jane’s words and lean away from her. “You say it as if she had cancer on purpose!”

In the distance, I vaguely realize that Anna is trying to teach Pip how to sit.

“She ruined you anyway,” she shrugs with anger. “Enough for your choices to stop making sense.”

“Jane,” I sigh and rub my temples, trying to rub the frustration from my face. “You’re the one not making any sense. A relationship that ends will leave scars, but I’m ready to move forward with my life.”

Jane falls silent again. Anna and Pip are now running circles around each other, the little dog panting wildly.

“Do you want me to be alone for the rest of my life?” I continue, and once again, Jane sighs a painful sigh, meant to pull on my heartstrings.

Her breathing pattern changes, and I know she’s holding back tears when she starts to sniffle and wipe at her eyes.

“Have you done anything big for her yet?” she asks.

“I plead with her college for a scholarship, why?” I respond without thinking, growing defensive.

“And did you spend any money to get her that scholarship?” Jane retorts, her words laced with venom.

I shake my head vigorously. "That is none of your business, Jane!”

“Does Joyce really make you happy?” Jane asks, with something resembling confusion in her voice.

“Yes, Jane!” I answer, my patience wearing thin. “I don’t understand how you could go from being her friend to acting like she’s the enemy here. Why did you even choose to be friends with Joyce in the first place?”

Jane looks at me with murderous eyes, and I can tell she is holding back, whether it is a few harsh words or something more extreme, I am not sure.

Finally, she responds, “We were friends because… Because…" she stammers, at a loss for words. “Ugh, Logan! Never mind why we were friends. Just try to be aware of what she’s doing to you!”

“Jane…” I begin, attempting to calm myself as I place a hand over her shoulder. “You still haven’t told me what Joyce is doing to me.”

She looks at me sideways, then looks over at Anna and Pip, who are approaching in a hurry.

“Aunt Jane! Pip knows how to roll over!” Anna exclaims, impressed. Jane forces out a smile as she turns her attention to them and I’m just relieved for the break in conversation.

“I know, I taught him!” Jane says, trying to sound enthusiastic. She then elbows me in the ribs. “What do you say we set this aside for now and just walk around together for a while?”

“Alright,” I agree with an exhale. “I still want my answer, though.”

We began to walk, side by side, but our body language still carries a sense of distance and discomfort. Anna ran ahead with Pip, seemingly blissfully unaware of our strained atmosphere.

“She’s pushing you away from your family, Logan,” Jane finally says under her breath.
