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Three days later, I receive a call from Rob expressing concern that Destiny seems under the weather and asks if he should call the veterinarian or not. Of course, I gave him the green light to call the doctor. After confirming the nanny can pick up Harlan and watch him after school, I head over to the country club myself to make sure my horse is alright.

“It’s a cold, Mr. Winters,” Dr. Singh says, setting down his stethoscope. The horses are used to his presence. He is very gentle with them, and Destiny seems relaxed beside him.

“I’ll give her some shots and she’ll be back on her feet in no time. Let’s also keep her covered. Rob tells me you rode her in that rainstorm?”

“Yes,” I admit, bringing a palm to my face. Poor Destiny shouldn’t have to pay for my impulsive whims. “I promise I won’t do it again.”

“The sudden downpours and colder temperatures can be harsh on them,” Dr. Singh says.

“I know…” I’m feeling flushed and ashamed.

“Ah, if it’s not the man who disappeared in the rain!” a familiar voice says.

It’s Patrick, one of my good friends. He’s the CEO of the cybersecurity firm that made us both rich, and he walks with the confident gait of a man who knows exactly what he’s worth.

“I disappeared, and came back victorious…” I gloat, shaking his hand.

“You didn’t even tell me about the girl you were with!” He shakes my hand with firm strength. Rob follows him, carrying the gear to saddle a horse.

“Um…” We let go of each other, and I slump down my shoulders to reply, “It’s complicated, Patrick.”

That night, I told Liv that I want a relationship, plain and simple. Like I told her, sex is not a frivolous thing to me, and now I feel like she’s playing with my heart by being indecisive about committing to a serious relationship.

“Will you ride with me? I need to know more!” Patrick says, interested.

I put my thumbs in my jeans’ pockets and shrug.

“A gentleman doesn’t tell,” I say, sulky.

“But you don’t have to go into detail!” he says, shrugging as well. “Just tell me what’s bothering you. That’s what friends are for.”

“Um…” I turn my gaze away from him, biting down on the inside of my lip. “Rob, please prepare Wildfire.”

“You got it, Mr. Winters!” Rob says.

He finishes with Patrick’s horse, a beautiful red stallion called Cauldron, and then goes to fetch the gear for mine. Wildfire is a young colt with a dun coat, adorned by a black mane and tail. A distinctive black stripe runs all the way down his back, adding to his unique appearance. He is one of my favorite animals, transforming from wild to docile and meek after being tamed.

“So, tell me her name, at least!” Patrick insists on prying.

I sigh, cornered. “Liv. Short for Olivia. She’s a photographer working with my sister on a piece about me for The Investigative Observer magazine.”

“Oh, you’re going to be on The Investigative Observer?” He looks pleasantly surprised. “From the few print mags still around, it’s one of the most respected.”

I nod. Rob finishes and brings me Wildfire by the bridle, but I stall for a moment before mounting him. “The publication is sorted out, but I don’t know what to do about my situation with Liv.”

Patrick takes Cauldron by the reins and smoothly mounts him with a movement so broad and clean it looks straight out of an old western movie. After that, he takes the cowboy hat hanging from the top of Cauldron’s bay, and then turns to me.

“I’m going to need more details, Alex!”

“Huff…” Getting in a bad mood, I mount Wildfire and get my own hat hanging from the nail.

The weather still has a slight chill to it, but the grass is mostly dry. When the horses climb down to it, I can get Wildfire to perform a gentle trot around Patrick and his animal.

“If it were up to me, then she’d already be my girlfriend,” I continue, and Patrick winces at my words. “But she almost ran away when I said that.”

“Of course, man! Look at what you’ve said!” Patrick laughs at my expense, “She didn’t want to get serious right out of the gate!”

“It used to be the other way around, wasn’t it?” I ask him, bitter. “Men running away from commitment, while women wanted something more serious.”
