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“Hi Gail,” I say. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

“I can’t wait to see what you think of the article! It turned out fabulous!” her flamboyant personality makes me turn slightly red.

She turns to look at her date, a middle aged graying man, and says, “This is my husband, Anthony”

After we shake hands, Gail and Anthony bid us goodbye to go get drinks.

I’m ready to go find Liv again when Bella dismisses her date and comes next to me at a fast pace.

“I need to talk to you, Alex…” Bella says, clinging to my arm.

“If it’s not about you making up with Liv, I’m not interested,” I say, trying to dismiss her too.

“Alex, it’s serious!” she hisses, stomping her foot on the ground.

“Alright, what is it?” I head for the refreshments table to refill my drink.

Bella crosses her arms, then pouts. Something stinky is coming my way, and now it’s only a matter of time for me to knowwhat.

“Can you hire me, Alex?” She drops the bomb right on my lap.

I offer her a cup of punch, but she declines it. Resigned to her refusal, I take a sip of mine while pondering how to reply to her.

“Maybe,” I say, shrugging. “But I thought The Investigative Observer was your dream job.”

She just growls in front of me, shaking like a rabid dog, filled with wrath.

“I can’t stand Liv anymore, Alex,” she says, arms crossed, and nose perked up. “Be glad I can still stand you!”

“Sure, because it’s convenient for you,” I laugh, much to her chagrin.

“Whatever!” Bella rolls her eyes dramatically. “Can you or can’t you, Alex?”

“I don’t know, Bella.” Once again, I shrug. “Why should I hire you?”

“Oh, so this is a job interview?” she places her curled fists at her hips.

“You tell me,” I say. “You’re abandoning a job you deemed as your dream job just months after starting, all because of a silly skirmish with your friend; what kind of boss would I be if I hired an employee like that?”

I see her narrow her eyes and turn bright red —I’m having fun with this, and I am not even trying to hide it.

“You would be a very smart kind of boss, because I’m highly efficient, well-articulated, concise in what I have to say, and an expert in keeping the attention of the reader over any subject,” Bella says, a finger raised in the air.

“Can you write an ad about eggs?” I ask her, deadpan.

Bella shakes her fists and stomps her foot hard enough to call for the attention of those within a few yards of us.

“Take thisseriously,Alex!” she cries out, incredibly frustrated.

“I am taking this seriously; this is my test!” I say, still having fun. “Do it and you’re hired.”

She crosses her arms and starts seething right in front of me. I don’t know what she is going to do, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying this.

“Eggs: Because breakfast without them is... well, it’s just not breakfast! Crack a smile with our eggs every morning!” She says it with a grand gesture. “So… Do I have a job or what?”

I take another deep breath to contain my urge to laugh, and then I cross my arms, averting my gaze from her.

“Talk to my assistant on your way out. Tell her it’s for the public relations department.”
