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We get to the door, and Noelle turns around. "Um, goodnight."

I stare at her, and then, because I can't fucking help myself, I reach out and brush a strand of her hair away from her face. "Goodnight, Noelle."

Her eyes close, and she leans her head into my hand. My fingertips trail down her cheek, and then my thumb brushes her lips. "Noelle."

She opens her eyes, and then she looks up at me. The air around us is so charged, so heated, that I can barely breathe.

"Goodnight," she says again, like she's trying to convince herself, but it comes out breathy and low.

I lean down, my lips hovering near hers. "Goodnight."

The kiss is soft, just a gentle brushing of my mouth on hers. It takes all my willpower to pull back and take a step away from her, but I manage it. She's breathing so fast, her pulse fluttering in the hollow of her throat, but finally, Noelle takes a single step back into the guest room and closes the door behind her.

"Fuck," I groan, turning around and heading to my own room.

Inside, I sit on the bed, rubbing my face with my hands. I want her. God, I want her, but I have to give it time.

Sleep comes eventually, but it's hard-won. I don't jerk off like I planned—the idea just seems shallow, considering the soft, sweet girl just a few doors down from me.



Ithink I've felt every possible emotion in the last twenty-four hours, which is why I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the overly soft pillows of Nathan's guest bedroom. I almost groan in pleasure at how wonderful it feels to be warm, dry, and not alone in the huge, cold dormitory building.

I might not be home, but this is a pretty cozy option, all things considered.

The storm is still raging outside, but a little less intense than before. Inside Nathan's house, I feel like nothing can get to me, and nothing can go wrong. After the heartbreak of realizing I'd be alone for the holiday, having him come racing into the airport like a knight in shining armor made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. His answer for leaving me the other night was vague, but I'm willing to let it go since he did all this just to make sure I was safe and not on my own.

This sense of safety is wrapped around me like a blanket, keeping me in a deep sleep until around 3 AM. A sound like a miniature explosion comes from outside, and the glow of the Christmas lights out the window goes dark in an instant.

The power is out.

"Dammit," I mutter, tossing the comforter off. It's freezing. The fire in the room has died, and the heat cut out with the electricity.

"Fuck," Nathan groans. The sound comes from somewhere down the hall, and I realize the sound woke him too. "Are you alright, Noelle?" he calls.

"Y-yeah," I say, teeth already starting to chatter. "Just cold."

"It's just the storm. Come on, come to my room. You'll freeze in here."

I'm a little taken aback by the offer. "I couldn't..."

"It's fine. Come on. We need to get you warm."

I wrap my arms around my torso and scurry to his room. It's just as luxurious and warm as the guest room, but instead of a gas fireplace, a large, king-sized bed is set into the corner. He's sitting up, and I can see the outline of his muscles even under the thick blankets.

"What a storm," he mumbles, and I can feel his gaze on me.

"Thank you for this. I really appreciate it."

"Any time. Here, get under the blankets. You'll be warmer."

I swallow nervously and slip into the bed, sliding my legs between the sheets and sighing at the warmth. "It's nice."

"Mmm. Good. Are you still cold? You're shivering."

"I-I'm okay."
