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I can't put into words everything that I'm feeling right now. How could I? Nothing has prepared me for this.

"Shhh." He wraps his arms around me. "Don't think about it too hard. We've got plenty of time to talk about this and work things out."

I nod, and Nathan's hands rub slow, soothing circles on my back.

"Get some rest, Noelle. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve."

"Okay," I murmur, closing my eyes.

He holds me as I fall asleep, and the last thought that goes through my head is...

I'm falling for this man...hard.

* * *

In the morning,the rain has finally stopped, and the electricity is back on. I only know this because of the light coming from underneath the bathroom door. The shower is running, and while I sort of wish that Nathan had woken me up to join him, I'm also thankful for the opportunity to sleep in.

Stretching feels amazingly delicious underneath the soft sheets, all the muscles made so sore from last night releasing one by one. I can't believe what happened last night, and while a part of my mind knows that I really need to process losing my virginity to my ex-boyfriend's dad, the larger part just wants to enjoy the sweet afterglow.

Maybe I need something to keep me busy so my thoughts don't spiral. Coffee seems like a good start, and I think I saw a nice French press in Nathan's kitchen last night.

After a little bit of digging in his dresser, I find a plain white t-shirt and slip it over my head, giggling when it comes almost to my knees. After I secure the coffee, I might even have time to make Nathan breakfast!

I'm going over the possibilities in my head as I pad barefoot out towards the kitchen—scrambled eggs and toast, omelets, maybe some bacon—when I hear something that brings me to a stop. It sounds...

It sounds like someone is in the kitchen. And not just one person, a few people at least.

I swallow hard, suddenly terrified. Maybe it's the niece he talked about last night or a housekeeper or something. Either way, I don't want to be caught here in Nathan's t-shirt, obviously sexed up. But I haven't been trying to be quiet, humming under my breath as I went in search of coffee, and whoever is in the kitchen must have heard me because they've gone silent.

I see the shadow of one of the people first, coming out of the brightness of the kitchen. A chill runs down my spine, and I'm ready to turn on my heel and run back to the bedroom to get Nathan when the person fully materializes. When I see who it is, I sort of wish it was a burglar instead.

Danny Nolan stands there in his dad's dining room, dressed in sweats, with a few of his asshole friends meandering behind him. Seeing him makes my blood run cold, and the fact that he's got two of the stupid dudes he always hangs out with—Dylan and Brad—makes me feel even worse. I might vomit.

"Well, well, well." Danny laughs, but there's a cruelty to it. "Look who it is, guys."

"Hi, Noelle," Brad barks out, laughing along with Danny. Dylan does the same.

"To think I was just coming to my dad's to see if he wanted to spend the holiday together, and I find you here instead. What is that you're wearing, Noelle?"

I cross my arms over my chest. I've never felt so vulnerable, and I want nothing more than to run. But I'm trapped. There's nowhere to go.

"What are you doing here?" I demand.

"Like I said, I came to spend Christmas with my dad. We didn't exactly leave off on a great note last time." He unconsciously rubs his eye, and I see the shadow of a bruise there. It sends a wave of shame and satisfaction through me at the same time.

"So you brought them?" I gesture towards Dylan and Brad, both of whom are smiling stupidly. I've always hated them.

"Yeah," Danny says. "You know, I was thinking a lot about what you said. About being a better person. And I realized that you were right. I should be trying harder to spend time with my dad. We've had our differences, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Too bad he's apparently fucking my girlfriend."

"Ex-girlfriend," I correct.

Danny smirks, and then his smile drops. "Did you fuck my dad, Noelle?"

I don't say anything, but apparently, that's enough because Danny starts advancing towards me.

"You little bitch," he snarls. "How dare you? You're supposed to be mine."
