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"Just a little something," he murmurs, his nose brushing mine, "to remember this Christmas."

"I could never forget."

We spend the next couple of hours at the farmer's market, eating and picking out some gifts for my mom and grandma. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm starting to get tired. Nathan picks up on it quickly.

"How about we get home and put on a movie?"

"Sounds good," I admit.

We get in the Jeep and head home. Once we're there, I set up a tray of popcorn, and Nathan makes us some cocoa while I find a good movie. We decide onLove Actuallyand snuggle together under a blanket.

It's the most domestic, perfect Christmas Eve I've ever had, and I fall asleep halfway through the movie, tucked under Nathan's arm.



At some point, I ended up in Nathan's enormous bed, cuddled up to him like he's the world's biggest heated blanket. I slept better than I think I have in years and woke up before Nathan in a total opposite to yesterday.

We're in California, so I don't expect a white Christmas, but at least the sun is shining. I eventually figure out the French press, and by that point, Nathan has woken up and joined me in the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas," he tells me, leaning down for a kiss.

"Merry Christmas." I beam at him. "Now, are you hungry? Because I’m starving."

"Actually, I'm going for a run first." Nathan takes I step back, and I notice that instead of pajama pants, he's shirtless and in a pair of black running shorts, muscular thighs on display. Now I'm hungry in an entirely different way.

"A run?"

"Yeah." He grins at me, stretching. "But I'll take you up on that offer when I get back. Make yourself at home, sweetheart, I won't be long."

And he's gone, leaving me wondering if his idea of 'won't be long' is the same as mine.

I decide to use his absence to shower and go back upstairs after I'm dry and smelling like Nathan's soap and shampoo.

I can't believe it's Christmas already. It's so different being in a house alone with him, and I'm not sure what to do. It doesn't feel real.

I know we have the whole day ahead of us, and we can just...spend it together. The thought of it makes my stomach squirm with anticipation and excitement. I've never been alone with someone before, let alone for the holidays.

I'm not sure what to do first, and I end up standing in front of the large windows overlooking the front yard, looking out at the driveway.

It's empty, and there's no sign of Nathan. He was going to run, right? I know the cars are in the garage, but the thought of him driving off and leaving me here makes my stomach flip-flop.

Don't be so stupid, I chide myself and go back downstairs.

I find a box of cereal in the pantry and, after a little hunting, a bowl and spoon. I make myself comfortable at the island, and when I'm done, I'm still not sure what to do. It's weird being here alone. It's not even ten, but I'm already getting restless.

"Okay, think," I tell myself, drumming my fingers against the countertop.

I have the whole day. Nathan's not gone forever. But the house is huge and a little eerie without him, and I end up wandering back to the living room and the tree. I grab the bags from the Christmas market, intending to wrap the little gift I managed to pick out for him in his brief absence, but I get distracted by all the other things in the bag. The ornaments we picked out yesterday are perfect, and once I finish hanging them, the tree is beautiful. I snap a few pictures of it, and I'm about to take a selfie when the door opens.

"Hey, sweetheart."

Nathan comes into the room, sweaty and breathless, and I can't help but stare at him. He's so fit, so gorgeous. He looks at the tree, and a slow smile spreads across his face.

"Looks nice."

"I love it."
