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"They'll have everything they need, right?" he asks, still tense.

"Everything and probably more."

"It's only a week."

"It's only a week, and then you'll get them back."

He sighs. "I know, I know."

I loop my arm through his and lean my head against his shoulder. "Let's go make out," I whisper.

"It's the middle of the day."


Now there's a hint of the Nathan I know—scandalous and sexy as hell—when he cups my chin and raises my face to look him in the eye. "I just needed to make sure I wasn't dreaming. That's all."

"Oh yeah? And how can you tell the difference between a dream and reality?"

He smirks, leaning closer to me. "I'd be happy to show you. But first..."

"But first, we should move into the bedroom," I suggest, not wanting to have to move once we get started.


The bedroom isn't much different than when I first saw it 10 years ago, except with some of my personal touches added. It was perfect that Nathan's house was big enough for us to raise a family in, and the place has served us well.

I finished my classes online after we got married and I discovered I was pregnant, but I only work part-time these days as a graphic design freelancer. It's more of a hobby than anything else. There’s apparently never a lack of textbooks needed for college and universities, so Nathan stays plenty busy and makes enough for both of us and then some.

After the birth of the twins, we heard from Danny for the first time since the blow-up between him and Nathan. He, too, had finished school online and went on a cross-country road trip once he graduated to "find himself". There he met an adorable, free-spirited girlfriend that he's still seeing to this day. We only see the couple on the holidays, and after a few awkward years, I can mostly make it through without cringing a single time. But having the family reunited makes Nathan happy, and to me, that's worth a million uncomfortable moments.

It's been a bright and shining decade, and I know I'm the luckiest woman alive. Nathan is bossy, pushy, and possessive, but I love every minute of it. When the lights go out and it's just the two of us, things are just as steamy as ever.

Today, though, there’s no need for the lights to be out. We're alone, and it's only noon.

Once we make it into the bedroom, Nathan has me pushed up against a wall, kissing me like it's our first time all over again. I have a little surprise for him—a seductive little lingerie number under my clothes—and I've been excited to see his reaction. But as we kiss and his mouth moves from my jaw to my neck, I start to have some hesitation piercing through the lust.

It's so bright in here, and I know he can see everything....and I'm not the trim figure I once was. Ten years and three kids will do that to a woman. I'm curvier than ever before, and a rare moment of self-consciousness washes over me.

I don't say anything, but Nathan knows my body well, and he feels me stiffen. "What's wrong?"

"Do you want to pull the curtains closed a little more?" I suggest, not wanting to ruin the momentum.

He looks baffled. "Fuck no. I want to see you."

"Nathan, please?"

"I'll consider it if you tell me what's wrong."

I bite my lip, not wanting to ruin the surprise but also not wanting to lie to him. Finally, I just come out with it. "I bought some lingerie for you, and I'm wearing it, but...I'm suddenly feeling like it might be too much. I'm fit as I used to be."

Nathan's gaze is thunderous like he can't believe what I'm saying. "Noelle," he rumbles. "You're hotter than ever to me, you know that right? I fucking love your curves, and I love being able to be rougher with you because of them. You've never been more beautiful, do you understand?"

"Yes," I breathe, knowing he's speaking the truth.

He grins, looking pleased. "Good. Now, can we go back to the part where I was taking your clothes off?"

I giggle and nod. "Yes."
